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The PRC does not have special immigration programs to attract foreigners. However, the number of citizens who want to come here for a long time has been increasing in recent years.
There are 3 ways to immigrate to China:
- obtain a temporary residence permit (TPR);
- obtain permanent residence in the country (permanent residence);
- to become a citizen of the country.
Temporary stay - permanent residency.
A residence permit in China gives a foreign citizen the right to live in the territory of the PRC without a limit on the period of stay in the country, exempts him from preparing documents for employment in China, allows him to live, study, work, do business, buy real estate, enjoy almost the same rights, as well as the local population.
The holder of the permanent residency does not have the right to apply for citizenship of the People's Republic of China.
In mainland China, a temporary residence permit is issued for the following visa categories:
- for work (visas of categories Z and M);
- for education in China (Visa category X1/X2);
- for family reunification (Q1/Q2 category visas);
- for private matters (for family members of foreigners with a temporary residence permit), visas of category S1/S2.
Conditions for obtaining permanent residency in China:
- In order to obtain a permanent residency in China, foreign citizens must meet several conditions:
- not have a criminal record;
- be healthy;
- have a visa (which involves the registration of the permanent residency) and all the necessary documents.
What documents must be submitted for registration of the permanent residency?
In order to issue a permanent residency, it is necessary to prepare and submit a package of documents, which contains both basic documents common to all categories, as well as papers that are required for issuing a particular visa.
Basic documents are:
- valid foreign passport;
- issued a visa;
- statement with justification of the need for registration of permanent residency;
- medical certificate about the state of health. All foreign citizens who plan to stay in China for a year or more must pass a medical examination in their country and provide a document (with a Chinese translation);
- 2 color photos 3x4 cm (according to photo requirements);
- registration by place of residence;
- certificate of criminal record.
Documents confirming the purpose of the applicant:
- for work - work permit, confirmation of qualifications (diplomas, certificates, etc.), contract, contract, invitation from the Chinese side;
- for studies - documents on enrollment in a higher educational institution, a contract with the university, proof of solvency or participation in a scholarship program, a guarantee letter from a guarantor (if the applicant is not yet 18 years old);
- for family reunification – an invitation from the Chinese side, evidence of family ties (certificates, references, photos, letters, etc.);
- for private matters: family members of foreigners with permanent residency in China - invitation and permanent residency of the inviting person, evidence of kinship with him; for businessmen – invitations from Chinese colleagues, evidence of the need to live in the PRC, etc.
The procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit in China.
After arriving in the country, foreign citizens who came here for work, study, family reunification, etc. must apply to the immigration department of the county government for a residence permit within 30 days.
The application and accompanying documents will be considered within 15 days (not including weekends or holidays). Instead of a passport, the applicant will be issued a receipt, which will replace his main documents during the review. In case of a positive decision, the applicant will be granted a temporary residence permit in the PRC.
Terms of stay:
- Minimum - 90 days (in case of work or study);
- On average - 180 days (for private reasons);
- The maximum is up to 5 years.
The first and second name of the owner, his gender, date of birth, reasons and period of residence, passport data, etc. will be indicated in the residence permit. In the case of their change, it is necessary to make appropriate notes in the migration department within 10 days.
How to extend the permanent residency in China?
If it is necessary to extend the permanent residency, you should apply again to the immigration department one month before the expiration date. There, the procedure is repeated: the application, passport and other documents are submitted. The migration service issues a receipt and reviews the submitted papers within 15 days. If the applicant has a good reputation for residence in the People's Republic of China, he can request to extend this permanent residency not personally, but through an employer or a relative.
WARNING! Permanent residency may not be extended in case of failure to submit all required documents, attempted fraud, violation of laws or administrative regulations.
China as a permanent residence.
Acquiring the status of a permanent resident of the PRC provides the most comfortable conditions for living and working in mainland China. However, permanent residence holders cannot participate in the political life of the country, in particular in elections. In all other cases, foreign citizens have the same rights as local residents.
Terms of stay:
- 3 months out of 12 the resident must live in China;
- 1 year out of 5 years in case of an extension of the permanent residence term.
Also, the permanent residence holder has the opportunity to apply for citizenship of the People's Republic of China.
Who can apply for permanent residence in the first place:
1) Refugees.
In order to declare their refugee status to the migration control authorities of the local people's government, citizens must arrive in China directly from their country of residence. It takes from 3 to 8 months to consider the submitted application (during this time, the public security authorities will issue you a card - an identity card for temporary residence in a certain place of the country).
If recognized as a refugee after the final interview, the applicant receives a refugee certificate and permanent residence for 10 years with the right to obtain citizenship of the PRC (after 6 years of non-expatriate residence).
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that persons who faced mortal danger in their homeland, who were persecuted for any reason (ethnic, religious, racial, political, etc.) can apply for refugee status and can provide evidence of this.
2) Foreign spouses (must be married to a citizen of the PRC and live here for at least one year or with a person who has a permanent residence in China and live here for at least 5 years), their minor children (up to 18 years old);
An official marriage (not fictitious) is a serious basis for obtaining the status of a permanent resident for 10 years after only one year of living in China. And five years after receiving the permanent residence, the applicant has the right to apply for citizenship of the People's Republic of China. (in case of refusal, you can try again after another 5 years, before the expiration of the permanent residence).
3) Relatives from abroad (family reunification) who have lived in China for five years;
Citizens who have among their close relatives (children, siblings, parents, grandparents) citizens or permanent residents of the PRC can take advantage of the family reunification program.
Relatives can enter the country with a special invitation indicating the degree of kinship, the planned period of stay and a guarantor from a citizen of the People's Republic of China. Initially, the permanent residency is issued for one year with the right to extend it. After five years, you can get a permanent residence for five years. And after 10 years of residence in the PRC, documents for obtaining Chinese citizenship can be submitted.
4) Pensioners over the age of 60. Indirect disabled relatives aged 60 and over who do not have other sources of livelihood in their country and who have lived in China for at least 5 years;
Speaking about how to go to live in China on the permanent residence for a pensioner whose child has already received the citizenship of the PRC, it should be noted that for this he can use the family reunification program. Ordinary pensioners also have the opportunity to immigrate to the PRC.
5) Foreign citizens-investors in the Chinese economy (from 300 thousand to 2 million US dollars) and businessmen with a good tax history.
This is one of the most common ways to immigrate to China. Registration and conducting business in China by foreign citizens involve two key points:
- correct payment of taxes;
- creation of jobs for Chinese citizens (minimum number – 10).
Foreign businessmen first receive a business visa (for 3 months), after which a permanent residency is issued for a year with the right to an extension. After five years, business owners (provided there are no objections from the authorities) receive a permit for permanent residence in China.
6) Foreigners who hold the positions of heads of enterprises, rectors, directors, first deputy heads, etc. in China for 4 years. Employment in China is also one of the popular ways to immigrate.
Specialists with high qualifications and experience, representatives of professions scarce for the PRC, world-renowned scientists, famous athletes and artists have the greatest chances of finding a well-paid job. The signed contract and the consent of the Ministry of Labor pave the way to obtaining a work (labor) visa.
Such a visa provides for a one-month stay in the country and the registration of a permanent residency during this time for a year with the right to extension (until the end of the employment contract). The employment contract can also be extended. After five years of residence in the country, a foreign worker has the right to obtain a permanent residence (for scientists with a doctoral degree, this status is granted immediately).
7) Foreigners who have done outstanding service for China, or are especially valuable for its economy, prestige, etc. Citizens with high professional achievements and unique scientific knowledge receive an entry permit. It is drawn up at the initiative of the Chinese government - it is interested in the visit of such persons.
8) Graduates of Chinese universities. Diplomas from Chinese universities are recognized in most countries of the world, and the cost of studying in them is quite low. In addition, after graduating from a Chinese university, foreign students receive the right to live and work in the country.
For the duration of their studies, students receive permanent residency - this requires a contract with a Chinese educational institution and confirmation of the student's ability to pay. Free education is possible for many students (according to allocated quotas).
The Chinese government has also initiated several scholarship programs for foreign students that cover tuition and living expenses.
What visas exist for immigration to the PRC?
In order to enter and stay in the territory of the People's Republic of China, citizens must obtain appropriate visas.
Today, the following types of visas are most popular:
- tourist visa (L) – for one or two visits;
- business visa (M) – for single, double and multiple visits;
- work visa (Z) – issued for entry for 30 days and subject to exchange for permanent residency at the place of residence in the People's Republic of China;
- study visa (X) – for studying at higher educational institutions of the PRC;
- national visa (D) – for those coming to a permanent place of residence;
- for family members of citizens of the People's Republic of China or foreigners with permanent residence (Q) - for the purpose of family reunification, etc.
- visa (R) - citizens who have high professional achievements, unique scientific knowledge, which are especially valuable for China.
In order to obtain a permanent residence in China, it is necessary to apply and pass an interview at a public security organization (the decision is approved at the provincial or city level, the final decision is at the ministry level).
In addition to the application, you must submit:
- valid passport;
- a health certificate (such a certificate can be obtained in the PRC or issued in the country of citizenship before traveling to China on a permanent residence - in this case, it must be translated into Chinese and certified by the consular institution of the PRC);
- confirmation of solvency and certificate of income;
- a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of China about a criminal record;
- certificate of payment of all taxes (for businessmen);
- a conclusion from the Ministry of Economy of the People's Republic of China on the effectiveness of business or investments (for businessmen and investors);
- marriage certificate (for foreign spouses);
- 4 color photos;
- duty payment receipt.
Foreigners who receive a permanent residence after 5 years of work in China need to submit information about employment, positions, qualifications, confirmation of the necessity of their work for the Chinese economy, letters of recommendation, etc. If the applicant is outside the country, he can be represented by a proxy (the power of attorney is certified by the Chinese embassy in the applicant's country of residence).
Materials are considered within 6 months. If a positive decision is made, the applicant is issued a "Foreigner's Certificate of Permanent Residence" (Chinese "Green Card") for 5 years (for pensioners and children under 18) and 10 years (after 18).
If the applicant is abroad, he will receive a notification by mail. With this message, he needs to go to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and get a national visa "D", after which he will be able to move to live in China on a permanent residence. In this case, the certificate will be provided upon arrival. One month before the end of the 5-year or 10-year term, you must confirm your status. In this case, the procedure is simpler (lasts no more than 15 days), moreover, it is free.
Acquisition of Chinese citizenship.
According to the Law of the People's Republic of China "On Citizenship", a person can become a Chinese citizen by place of birth (Article 6) - that is, one who was born in China (including in the family of non-Chinese citizens or in general stateless persons and permanently resides here or by application (Article 7) - that is, a person who has been living and working here for a long time on legal grounds, observing all laws, etc.
Obtaining Chinese citizenship today is possible in two main ways:
1) By birth.
At least one parent has Chinese citizenship, regardless of the child's place of birth.
Both parents permanently reside in Chinese territory and are stateless or of unspecified nationality, while the child is born in China.
2) By naturalization.
Foreigners and stateless persons can be issued a Chinese passport under the naturalization procedure in the following cases:
- If there are close relatives of Chinese citizens.
- Permanent residence in China.
- Based on other legitimate reasons.
The following factors influence the adoption of a positive decision on the granting of Chinese citizenship:
- Legality of stay in the People's Republic of China. For example, official work in China, conducting business, scientific activities or studying in Chinese universities.
- Terms of permanent residence in Chinese territory.
- Stay in China of close family members (husband/wife, minor children) and presence of relatives among the Chinese.
- A stable legal source of income, sufficient to provide for oneself and family members. Strict compliance with Chinese law, including full payment of tax obligations.
- No criminal record and good health, both mental and physical.
- A sufficient level of command of the Chinese language.
- Firm intention and interest in further living in China, i.e. after obtaining citizenship.
Importantly. Marriage with a Chinese citizen does not give special privileges for obtaining a passport of the People's Republic of China.
Reasons for losing Chinese citizenship.
- Moving to permanent residence outside China with subsequent registration of citizenship in another country.
- Voluntary relinquishment of the Chinese passport.
Deportation and eviction from the PRC.
In case of violation of the rules of stay in the territory of the People's Republic of China, the public security authorities may decide on sanctions in the form of the departure of a foreign citizen from China (independently) within a period of up to 15 days - deportation. The main and only reason for deportation is the loss of the right to stay in China. However, a deported person can enter China by re-issuing an entry visa.
Expulsion from the country is a more severe punishment. It is applied in case of violation of the order on deportation within the specified period, illegal residence and employment in the People's Republic of China, engagement of a foreigner in harmful or incompatible activities with the obtained permit. Foreign citizens who were subjected to eviction are subject to additional sanctions: a ban on entry into the PRC for a certain period (from one to five years and up to ten years in case of serious violations) from the moment of expulsion.
Expulsion and deportation are carried out at the expense of the culprit. In the event that the offender is unable to pay, the Chinese employer, the inviting party or the guarantor shall cover the costs.
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