Mazedonischer DenarAnerkennung der doppelten Staatsbürgerschaft
Es gibt keine COVID-BeschränkungenInsurance policy
Eine Versicherungspolice ist erforderlichTemporary residence permit
Permanent residence permit
Dual citizenship
Temporary protection in North Macedonia, temporary residence permit for humanitarian reasons
Every foreigner who plans to stay in Macedonia for more than 90 days in a six-month period must apply for a residence permit in Macedonia (дозвола за привремен престој во Република Македонија), which is usually issued for one year, with the possibility of extension. After five years of a continuous residence permit, you can get a permanent residence permit (дозвола за постојан престоj во Република Македонија).
A foreign citizen applying for a residence permit in Macedonia must have relevant grounds for this: proof of studies, work permit, family ties, or own a company in Macedonia and be employed by his company in Macedonia.
The necessary documents and the procedure for obtaining a residence permit can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: https://mvr.gov.mk/
Any foreigner, that will invest over 500 000 Euros into Macedonian real estate, or will create a company with workplaces, has the right to obtain a permanent residence permit in Macedonia. A permanent residence permit will also be issued to a foreigner residing on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia not less than 5 years on the basis of a temporary residence permit.
All the required documents and the procedure of issuance of the permit can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: https://mvr.gov.mk/
If, as an adult, you voluntarily acquire the citizenship of the country in which you live, after you have complied with the requirements of the laws of that country, then you have acquired citizenship by naturalization. In Macedonia, naturalization can be based primarily on the number of years of legal residence or marriage to a Macedonian citizen. If you acquire Macedonian citizenship through naturalization, your minor children will also receive the same citizenship, but remember that you need to include their details in the Macedonian citizenship application.
How to apply?
You must personally submit a completed application form (provided free of charge in each territorial unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) to the regional unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence.
In this case, you must pay an administrative fee of 100 euros. Before submitting the application, you need to pay 20 euros and enclose with the application a confirmation from the post office/bank that you have paid it. You must pay the remaining 80 euros if you are getting Macedonian citizenship before you collect your decision from the regional office of the Ministry of the Interior. And for this you need to provide a receipt from the post office/bank.
How can a foreigner get Macedonian citizenship if he has lived in the Republic of Macedonia for at least seven years?
You must meet all of these conditions:
You must be 18 years old;
Live in Macedonia legally and continuously for at least 8 years;
Have housing;
Have a constant source of funds for existence;
In Macedonia and in the state of which you are a citizen, you have not been deprived of liberty for a period of at least one year;
There must be no criminal prosecution against you in Macedonia and in the country of which you are a citizen;
Be fluent in the Macedonian language.
If you meet all the conditions listed above and are admitted to Macedonian citizenship, you will have to sign an oath that you will be a loyal citizen of Macedonia.
What documents are required?
Brief biography.
An identity document (for example: a foreigner's identity card or a travel document issued by the country of which you are a citizen.).
Birth registration extract (if it is foreign, it must be drawn up on an international form or translated by an authorized court translator).
Extract from the RACS on the conclusion of marriage - if available (if it is foreign, it must be issued on an international form or translated by an authorized court translator).
A document certifying the availability of housing.
A document certifying the presence of a permanent source of income.
Certificate of criminal record.
Questionnaire for testing knowledge of the Macedonian language. If you have completed any form of education in the Macedonian language or during your studies you had a Macedonian language subject for which you had a passing grade, please attach a certificate/certificate confirming this to the application form.
According to Article 2 of the Law "On Citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia", citizens of this state have the right to hold dual citizenship. Note that the country of second citizenship may prohibit this.
On March 02, 2022, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia decided to grant temporary protection for humanitarian reasons to Ukrainian citizens.
Who is covered by temporary protection?
Citizens of Ukraine and their family members who:
A) enter the territory of North Macedonia due to war, threat to life, or escalation of hostilities against civilians;
B) are in the territory of North Macedonia and cannot return to the territory of Ukraine due to war, threat to life, or escalation of hostilities against the civilian population.
What documents are required to cross the border?
North Macedonia is not an EU member state, but it has simplified the requirements for entering its territory for Ukrainian citizens as much as possible. Thus, you can cross the border without a foreign passport. All you need is a national identity document, such as a Ukrainian passport or birth certificate.
If you are crossing the border with a minor, you should have documents confirming your relationship with the minor (birth certificate, parental consent to accompany and depart the child).
Obtaining temporary protection.
In order to obtain temporary protection in North Macedonia, you need to apply to the Ministry of the Interior - Sector for Foreigners (Sector za stranci) of the Ministry of the Interior in Skopje (address: 9 Goce Delcev Street, MTV Building, 9th floor, room 927), or to an inspector for foreigners at police stations in other cities for a temporary residence permit for humanitarian reasons.
How long is temporary protection granted for?
Temporary protection is granted for at least 1 year.
In case of refugee status, the period of stay in the country is set at 3 years. At the same time, we recommend applying for temporary protection, as this procedure is simpler and allows you to return to Ukraine at any time without hindrance.
After arriving in North Macedonia, one of the first things you will need to do is to find accommodation. Of course, you can organize this process yourself or stay with friends or relatives.
If you do not have a place to live, we recommend that you contact the head of the community of Ukrainians in the Republic of North Macedonia (Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1067674929983038/) or the Red Cross branch at your place of residence (contacts can be found at https://ckrm.org.mk/).
Medical care.
After obtaining a residence permit for humanitarian reasons, you will be entitled to state medical care.
Contacts of state medical institutions can be found at the following link: http://zdravstvo.gov.mk/ (tab "Institutions").
A humanitarian residence permit gives you the right to work without obtaining a special permit.
To find a job and get more detailed information, we recommend contacting the Employment Service of the Republic of North Macedonia (https://av.gov.mk/).
In addition, you can use the largest job search websites in North Macedonia to search for a job on your own:
B) Kariera MK (https://kariera.mk/);
C) Vrabotuvanje (https://www.vrabotuvanje.com.mk/).
As of today, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia has not yet provided official clarifications on the organization of the educational process for persons enjoying temporary protection.
At the same time, if necessary, we recommend that you independently contact the relevant educational institutions at your place of residence for more information.
Useful links:
Website of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of North Macedonia (https://macedonia.mfa.gov.ua/).
Facebook page of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of North Macedonia: https://www.facebook.com/ua.emb.nmk.
Interactive map of the world from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, where you can get various information about staying in a particular country: https://tripadvisor.mfa.gov.ua/?location=mk.
Information portal "International Headquarters for Assistance to Ukrainians", where you can get information on staying abroad: https://dopomoha.org.ua/informacziya-dlya-ukrayincziv-yaki-cherez-vijskovi-diyi-perebuvayut-v-pivnichnij-makedoniyi/?fbclid=IwAR3ESTWjINEPh2-zuN5l1G8mycB9pPW_smeZD2c8MVUuyTHgOeFG7btR-dQ.
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