Visa-free up to 90 daysIdioma
SpanishTráfico vehícular
Circulación por la derechacódigo de teléfono
Argentine pesoCovid
No hay restricciones de COVIDHealth
Formulario de pasajeros en líneaInsurance policy
Se requiere póliza de seguroWORK PERMIT
In order to work in Argentina, a foreigner must obtain a work permit.
Applying for a work permit is a multi-step process, so the entire approval process can take up to 3 months. You will also need to obtain a residence permit, after which you can apply for a work visa.
What documents are required to obtain a work permit in Argentina?
Birth Certificate
Marriage certificate
Three passport photos
Background/criminal background check
A copy of the registration and tax document
A copy of the employment contract
Officially certified copy of degree certificate or professional documents
Valid passport.
If you are going to Argentina for employment, you need to apply for a long-term work visa.
What documents are required to obtain a work visa?
You can download the form from the embassy/consulate website and fill it manually or fill it online and then just download it.
The passport must be valid for at least another six months from the date you intend to leave Argentina. It must have at least two blank pages.
Photocopies of your passport
Showing personal details and any previous and current visas (and previous passports if required)
Return flights or travel itinerary
Confirmation of housing in Argentina
Confirmation of the availability of sufficient funds
To cover the duration of your stay, for example through bank statements
Confirmation of the paid fee for a visa to Argentina
The employment contract, which is signed by the Argentinian employer and contains the registration number of the hiring company.
The contract must be legalized and notarized.
A criminal record certificate issued by the police authorities of your country
Copies of your diploma/certificates.
Upon arrival in Argentina, you, as an employee, will need to obtain a national identity document from the National Registry of Persons in Buenos Aires.
Spouses, parents and children under the age of 18 must apply for a visa as dependents and submit documents at the same time as you.
Exclusive Working Holiday Program is also provided for citizens of certain countries (Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the Republic of Korea).
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