Visa requeridoIdioma
ArabicTráfico vehícular
Circulación por la derechacódigo de teléfono
Libyan dinarCovid
Necesidad de vacunación o test negativoInsurance policy
Se requiere póliza de seguroValidez mínima del pasaporte
al menos 6 mesesEducation
Libya student visa
There are vocational schools in the country for students who do not plan to enter the university. However, the country also has universities: Postgraduate Academy, University of Benghazi, Sabha University, University of Tripoli, Higher Institute of Computer Technology, Al Zawiya University, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Misurata University, and Libya International Medical University.
Each of these educational institutions establishes its own rules for the enrollment of foreign students. Most foreign students in Libya study abroad educational programs.
It is important to note that many local residents go abroad to get a higher-level education.
Many students purchase a student health insurance plan to cover medical expenses if they have them during their stay in Libya. In some cases, universities may require this.
Students traveling to the country need to obtain a student visa. To obtain a visa, you will need a letter of acceptance from the university in which you are enrolled. You will then need to go to the embassy to apply for a visa. This process may take some time, but educational institutions can shorten this period by helping students apply for a visa.
Students must meet the following criteria:
- It is necessary to provide a letter of acceptance confirming that the applicant has been offered a full-time place in a recognized educational institution.
- Candidates should be able to demonstrate evidence that there is enough money to support themselves in the country.
- It is necessary to confirm that the tuition fee has been paid in full.
- It is necessary to obtain private health insurance and provide documentary evidence of this.
- The candidate must have an obvious intention to return to their country after the end of the educational period.
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