Medicine and healthcare in Lebanon. The best hospitals in Lebanon

Lebanon is a state located in the Middle East with a population of about 7 million people. Currently, Lebanon is a destination for medical tourism for residents of nearby countries. Sick people from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, and even Japan come here for treatment. The level of medical care is constantly growing. In the ranking of the famous magazine The Lancet, Lebanon ranks 33rd in terms of the level of development of medicine, along with many European countries. At the same time, service prices are lower than in Europe.
Description of the medical industry in Lebanon
In recent years, medicine in Lebanon has undergone significant changes, and at the moment it meets the best world standards. The country has public and private medicine. State medicine is free and is aimed at treating residents.
The private industry is represented by clinics that serve mainly foreigners and wealthy Lebanese. This applies to both traditional medicine and additional areas. For example, cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgeries are carried out here. Local doctors have developed unique technologies, thanks to which operations are carried out in the field of regenerative medicine, neurosurgery, and neurology.
The overwhelming majority of clinics are equipped with modern medical equipment, and doctors from all over the world work here (qualified medical personnel from different countries are constantly invited to Lebanon). All staff is fluent in English and French.
The best hospitals in Lebanon
The number of clinics in Lebanon is in the dozens. However, there are three main ones:
•Hotel Dieu Hospital. The oldest French hospital in Lebanon. Located in Beirut, on Alfred Naccache Boulevard. It consists of many departments where various diseases are treated. It has its website where you can find complete information about the institution.
•St. George Hospital. The medical institution specializes in the treatment of vascular diseases, liver diseases, oncology, modern radiology, and other areas.
•Beirut General Hospital. One of the largest hospitals in Lebanon in general and in Beirut in particular. It has several departments where almost all existing diseases are treated. Has its website with contact details.
Prices for medical services
High quality implies appropriate prices for medical services. As of summer 2022, the approximate cost is:
•visit a therapist for a consultation — from 25 euros;
•blood test — from 12 to 35 euros;
•one day stay in a private clinic — at least 100 euros.
Medical insurance in Lebanon
In connection with the global coronavirus pandemic, the Lebanese authorities adopted Circular No. 142 of September 14, 2020, according to which every foreigner crossing the border is required to have medical insurance covering the costs of his treatment if he is diagnosed with COVID-19. This is a mandatory requirement, without which it is impossible to cross the border! The term of insurance must correspond to the entire period of stay of a foreigner in the country.
Before boarding an aircraft bound for Lebanon, all passengers must register on an electronic platform called COVID-19 MOPH PASS, owned by the Lebanese Ministry of Health. It is also necessary to confirm the accuracy of the data. In addition, all newly arrived foreigners are required to comply with medical measures to prevent the spread of infection. A complete list of measures can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lebanon.
General medical insurance is compulsory for foreigners belonging to the 5th class (employees of foreign embassies and departments, employees, and technical workers, a detailed list can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), by the decree of January 2, 2017. The same requirement applies to foreigners who wish to obtain a residence permit in Lebanon (permit).
In addition to medical insurance, vaccinations against polio, typhoid, tetanus, and yellow fever are recommended. This is an optional requirement, however, if you plan to stay in Lebanon for a long time, then it makes sense to get vaccinated (after consulting with your doctor). Otherwise, problems may arise when crossing the border.
To buy medical insurance, you need to contact a trusted insurance company, whose specialists will select the best option for you. You can also order legal support there, which you may need while in the country.
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