
Types of French visas depending on the purpose of the trip: everything an expat needs to know

Residence permit
Types of French visas depending on the purpose of the trip: everything an expat needs to know

French migration law distinguishes several categories of visas depending on the duration of the trip and the purpose of the foreigner's stay in the country. Find out what types of French visas a foreigner can get in 2024

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

There are 28 types of long-term visas available for moving to France, that is, there are as many as 28 ways to realize your dream of living in this country. Depending on the purpose of the trip, permits are divided into study, family, non-work and work permits.

To find out who needs a visa to move to France and what types of long-term visas are approved in the country, read this article.

Who needs a visa to France?

All EU citizens have the right to visit France temporarily, as well as move to the country without the need for a visa, including for study and work, regardless of the length of stay.

If you are a non-EU citizen and plan to stay for more than 90 days, you will need to apply for a long-term D visa.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the USA, Australia, India, the UK, Canada or any other country, the Ceseda visa rules described below will apply equally.

Who needs a Schengen visa to travel to Europe in 2024, read this article.

What is the difference between a French long-term visa and a residence permit?

There is often confusion between these two terms, which leads to confusion with the French administration, so we tell you right away:

- A visa is a sticker or stamp that allows you to enter a country. It can only be submitted outside of France at the French consulate of your country of current residence. A visa gives the right only to enter, but not to live or work.

- Once you arrive in France, you need to obtain a permit (or confirm a visa) to stay legally in France.

Types of French visas depending on the purpose of the trip

- Study visas

There are four different types of study visas approved in France, and they differ depending on the level of education you obtain in France, as well as your personal circumstances.

Studying in France will make it easier to integrate into the French labor market and obtain a work permit, so many foreigners choose this type of visa to move to France:

1. Visa for studying at school (visa Mineur scolarisé) – this visa is intended for minor children who come to France without their parents or from a specialized organization.

2. Intern or young specialist undergoing training (stagiaire visa) - this type of permit is intended for foreigners who come to France for internships in companies, on training courses or in a public health care institution.

3. Student visa (visa étudiant) – this type of visa is issued to foreigners who go to France to study at a higher educational institution. To obtain a student visa, you must be registered in a public or private institution of higher education and have an income of at least €615 per month for your stay in France.

4. Transitional visa between study and work (Recherche d'emploi, création d'entreprise) – this visa allows foreigners who have graduated from a French university to stay in the country for 12 months.

- Family visas

Family visas are available depending on your personal situation. It can be obtained by foreigners who have family ties with a French citizen.

1. Visa for the spouse of a French citizen (visa Vie Privée et Familiale) – this visa is granted to the spouse of a French citizen. Based on the permit, you can work or study in France.

2. Parents of a French citizen (Vie Privée et Familiale visa) – parents of a French citizen can obtain an entry permit. On the basis of this permit, you can work or study in the country.

3. Family reunification (visa Vie Privée et familiale via procédure de regroupement familiale) – this type of permit can be obtained by the spouse and children of a French citizen. An important condition is that neither you nor your family members must be EU citizens. The procedure is long-term - at least 18 months. After moving, relatives will receive the right to study and work.

4. Relative of an EU citizen (visa membre de la famille d'un citoyen de l'Union Européene) – if you are a family member of a European citizen, you can accompany and join him in France. If you are a European yourself, you do not need a residence permit.

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- Non-working French visas

Non-working visas are for tourists, retirees, family or private visits or even business trips and volunteering.

1. The visitor visa applies to foreigners who do not intend to work in France. Available to tourists who plan to stay in the country for more than 90 days, as well as owners of second homes in France, etc.

2. Visa for retirees (visa retraité) - if you already receive a visa based on your age, you can apply for a visa for a retiree. This permit does not give you the right to work in France. You can move together with one of the spouses.

- Work visas to France

1. The employee visa (Salarié) is the most affordable French work visa. To apply for this visa, you need to find work in France with a permanent contract (CDI) and your French employer will need to request a work permit from the Ministry of Labour.

2. Temporary work visa (visa travailleur temporaire) – this type of French visa is equivalent to a Salarié visa, but for workers with a temporary employment contract. As with the previous visa, a French employer will need to sponsor your visa.

3. Visa for transfer within the company (visa Salarié détaché) - intra-corporate transfer or ICT visa was created for employees who already work for a company abroad with a minimum of 6 months of work experience, but wish to be transferred to their French representative office for a limited period ( up to 3 years).

4. Entrepreneur visa (visa Entrepreneur Profession Libérale) – for entrepreneurs who plan to start a business in France. This requires a thorough business plan and a three-year financial forecast.

5. Jeune Au Pair Visa – this type of visa is given to foreigners who are temporarily accepted by a French family to perform simple household work (cleaning, childcare, etc.). Only foreigners aged 18 to 30 can get a permit.

6. Work and vacation visa for young people (Vacances-Travail) - the program is intended for young people aged 18 to 30 who wish to come to France for a maximum of one year for tourist purposes, and also have the opportunity to work a little during this period.

7. French visa Talent Passport France – special permits for talented foreigners who want to move to France. There are a total of 11 types, depending on the activity of the foreigner.

How to get a Talent Passport in France in 2024? Detailed guide for foreigners in this article.

Types of visa Talent passport in France

- EU blue card (Carte bleue Européenne) – visa for highly qualified workers who want to work in France. Among the requirements are to have a higher education degree (minimum 3 years) or five years of professional experience in a certain field and find jobs with a salary 1.5 times higher than the average in France.

- Qualified worker visa (Salarié qualifié) – this visa is a bit similar to the previous one with a slightly lower income threshold and only for holders of French diplomas.

- Foreign assignment (Salarié en mission) – created for employees who already work for a company abroad and wish to be transferred to France for a limited period (up to 4 years). Unlike the intra-company transfer visa described above, this visa requires a French employment contract.

- Researcher (Chercheur) – this visa is for you if you are a researcher and your laboratory has a project with a French laboratory or you have been invited by a French laboratory or university to conduct research and/or teach.

- Company founder/entrepreneur (Créateur d'entreprise) - permit for those who invest in their business in France at least 30,000 euros (with own resources or borrowed money), and will also have a master's degree or 5 years of professional experience in the specified field.

- Innovative business project (Porteur de projet économique innovant reconnu par un organisme public) – this Talent Passport visa was created for founders of startups in the Tech ecosystem.

- Employee of an innovative company (Salarié d'une entreprise innovante) is another French technical visa for employees of an innovative company. To qualify for this visa, you will need to have a work contract with a French employer for at least 3 months and an annual salary that is at least twice the minimum wage in France.

- Business investor (Investisseur économique) – for foreigners who invest at least 300,000 euros in a French company.

- Corporate officer visa – for those whose work is related to the management of the company, its representation before shareholders, partners and other third parties.

- Talent Passport professional artistic visa is intended for artists, performers and authors of literary or artistic works who come to France to continue their artistic career.

- World-renowned personality – artists who have worldwide popularity can also apply for a "famous artist" talent passport.

Choosing the right type of visa that you need to move to France is the first step to migrating to the country, because depending on the reasons for moving, you will need to prepare a certain package of documents and go through special bureaucratic procedures.

It will be recalled that the Swedish government has announced plans to strengthen the rules for obtaining family reunification visas. This decision was introduced as part of the fight against excessive migration. Find out what is planned to change for expats and their families, as well as the current procedure for obtaining a Swedish family reunification visa in this article.

Ihor Usyk - head of Visit World's legal department

To ensure safe passage to France, consult a migration specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations when traveling abroad.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in France;

Legal advice on immigration to France;

Travel insurance for foreigners in France

Medical insurance around the world.

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