
TOP-20 most in-demand professions in Ireland for foreigners in 2024: current list

TOP-20 most in-demand professions in Ireland for foreigners in 2024: current list

Ireland is currently experiencing an acute shortage of personnel in 20 professions in healthcare, IT, engineering, manufacturing, and construction. Find out more about which professions will be the easiest to obtain a work visa in Ireland in 2024

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

Ireland has become one of the EU countries most dependent on doctors and nurses trained abroad. During the first half of 2024, the authorities issued 19,303 work permits, which is 20.5% more than in the same period in 2023. This underscores the country's growing need for qualified medical professionals and other specialists from abroad to meet the growing demand for labor.

In our previous article, we mentioned that from July 10, 2024, the Irish government approved a visa regime for citizens of Botswana and South Africa.

List of the most sought-after professions in Ireland

According to the EURES report for 2023, Ireland is facing a labor shortage in 20 professions. The most affected sectors include healthcare, IT, engineering, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. 

This creates additional opportunities for foreigners who have one of these professions and wish to relocate to Ireland. Thus, skilled workers from abroad may have a better chance of obtaining an Irish work visa, helping the country to overcome the shortage of personnel.

According to the latest EURES report, Ireland is facing labor shortages in the following professions:

1. Drivers of heavy vehicles and trucks

2. Bus and tram drivers

3. Adjusters and operators of metalworking machines

4. Welders and gas cutters

5. Plumbers and plumbing technicians

6. Carpenters and carpenters

7. Home care workers

8. Junior medical staff

9. Cooks

10. Technicians in chemical and physical sciences

11. Software developers

12. System analysts

13. Healthcare workers, not elsewhere classified

14. Specialists in patient care

15. General practitioners

16. Engineering professionals, not elsewhere classified

17. Mechanical engineers

18. Civil engineers

19. Chemists

20. Information and communication technology managers

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Foreign workers in Ireland

The demand for foreign healthcare workers in Ireland is particularly high and the country is heavily dependent on foreign doctors and nurses. Given the growing number of work permits issued, especially in the healthcare and IT sectors, Ireland is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign professionals. 

Ireland has a significant demand for foreign workers, especially in the healthcare sector. In recent years, the country has become one of the largest in the EU in terms of dependence on doctors and nurses trained abroad. Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland show the highest dependence on foreign doctors, while Ireland, Switzerland, and Austria rely on nurses trained outside the country.

In 2024, Ireland significantly increased the number of work permits issued. During the first half of the year, 19,303 permits were issued, an increase of 20.5% compared to the same period last year. The largest number of permits were issued in the following sectors: healthcare (6,809), information technology (3,282), agriculture, forestry and fisheries (1,859), and accommodation and catering services (1,458).

Among foreign workers, Indian citizens received the most work permits. From January to June 2024, Indians received 6,746 permits, which is 35% of the total. Other nationalities that frequently receive work permits in Ireland include citizens of Brazil, the Philippines, Pakistan, South Africa, China, the United States, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Malaysia.

We remind you! Ireland is an English-speaking country in the European Union that attracts expats with employment prospects and a high standard of living. Read more about what specialists are lacking in the Irish labor market and how a foreigner can obtain a work permit in the country.

Ihor Usyk - head of Visit World's legal department

To simplify moving abroad, as well as facilitate the employment procedure, consult a migration specialist. We help solve complex and simple issues for your comfort and safety in any corner of the world.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Ireland;

Legal advice on immigration to Ireland;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Ireland;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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