
Digital nomads will receive from 8,000 euros to move to Spain: who can participate in the program?

Digital nomads will receive from 8,000 euros to move to Spain: who can participate in the program?

The Spanish region of Extremadura has allocated €2 million to attract digital nomads from around the world. Find out what the requirements are for participants and whether Extremadura is suitable for digital nomads

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

The Spanish autonomous community of Extremadura has allocated €2 million to attract digital nomads from around the world. Such a policy is aimed at raising the economy of the region. However, in order to receive money, certain requirements must be met.

Who can get financial support from the Spanish government in 2024? Let's talk further.

Why did Extremadura introduce a cash reward program for expats?

Although Extremadura offers a high quality of life, the region has the lowest population density in Spain at 26 inhabitants per square kilometer. In addition, Autonomy is a true natural paradise with exceptional gastronomy.

In order to enrich the region with talents and stimulate the economy of the autonomy, the leadership introduced a new financial program. The Minister of Economy, Employment and Digital Transformation, Guillermo Santamaria, notes that foreigners will stimulate local consumption and will also be able to create important networks here.

Is Extremadura suitable for digital nomads?

Communication in Extremadura is developed at a fairly high level, in particular, the region exceeds the average national indicator of fiber optic coverage - 93%, 4G mobile communication - 97%, and 5G coverage is between 75% and 80%.

Among the shortcomings, there are certain problems with the transport network in Extremadura, but the local authorities are working on solving this issue.

Who can participate in the program?

1. A citizen of any country in the world can take part in the program, the main thing is that the foreigner has lived outside the Extremadura region of reception for 6 months before the moment of registration of participation in the program.

Applicants from outside Spain must obtain an official identification number.

2. You can move to settlements with a population of up to 5,000 people.

3. The validity period of a permanent residence permit in Extremadura is from two years.

How much money will digital nomads get for moving to the Extremadura region of Spain?

Starting amount for digital nomads (money that expats will receive immediately after moving):

- Women and men under the age of 30 – 10,000 euros.

- Men over 30 years old – 8,000 euros.

After the end of the first two-year period, women and men under the age of 30 will receive another 5,000 euros, provided they continue to stay in the region for another 1 year.

Men over 30 who want to stay in this Spanish region for another year will receive an additional €4,000.

How long will the promotional program last?

The authorities of the Extremadura region have confirmed that the competition will be open until all 2 million euros allocated to participants have been spent.

Visa for digital nomads in Spain

In 2024, Spain confidently holds the title of the best and most popular country in the world for digital nomads. The country introduced its long-awaited digital nomad visa in January 2023.

A foreigner to obtain a Spanish digital nomad visa must meet the following requirements:

- Work remotely for at least one year.

- Be employed in a company or companies outside of Spain.

- You are allowed to enter Spain and you have not been refused entry before.

- You have a health insurance policy with full coverage in Spain.

- You can confirm your work experience and technical knowledge.

- You have not lived in Spain for the past five years.

- If you work for a company, you must confirm that you have worked there for at least three months.

- If you are a freelancer, you must work for at least one company (outside Spain).

- You must confirm that your income is 2,140 euros per month or 25,680 euros per year.

- Unlike other digital nomad visas, you can work with Spanish clients as long as they only make up 20% of your profits.

Read more about the procedure for obtaining a digital nomad visa and the list of documents for obtaining a permit here.

What to see in Extremadura?

If you are looking for a peaceful place to move to, where you can enjoy nature and culture, then Extremadura is a great choice.

- The Extremadura region has long been popular among travelers and vacationers due to the huge number of bodies of water that provide coolness in the summer. The natural pools of Madrigal de la Vera deserve special attention. Here you can swim under the grandiose Roman bridge. Perhaps, this is the most beautiful structure above the waters of this region.

- Near the charming village of Ervas in the Ambros Valley, a path begins that leads to a stunning waterfall about 30 meters high. The path under the thick branches of oaks and chestnuts runs along the Ambros River. At the end of the path, the forest parted and opened up to the tourist a view of the magical waterfall La Chorrera de Hervas.

- In addition, in Extremadura you will find many places where you can observe the starry sky. This area has one of the lowest levels of light pollution in the starry sky in Europe.

- When talking about the times of the ancient Roman Empire in Extremadura, one cannot ignore a visit to Mérida, where one of the most important Roman archaeological sites in Europe is located. Visit this city and walk past its theater, amphitheater, Arch of Trajan, Roman Bridge, Roman Circus or Aqueduct of Miracles.

- Get acquainted with modern art - if you visit the beautiful city of Cáceres (it has the status of "The third largest monumental complex in Europe"), you will not only be able to walk through the streets where you will feel like you have been transported to the Middle Ages, but also see the innovative exhibits of the Helgi Foundation de Alvear The best examples of modern art are gathered in an equally amazing building. Another option is to visit the Frechenal de la Sierra Museum of Contemporary Art in San Francisco's historic 16th-century convent.

Cost of living in Extremadura

Renting a one-room apartment will cost 400-550 euros. Tenants also pay utility bills for electricity, heat, water, garbage removal, and building maintenance. The final amount will depend significantly on the season, but on average utilities for an 80 square meter apartment will cost up to 100 euros per month.

Products in Spain are also inexpensive, because the country has a developed agricultural sector. Prices for basic products: bread - 0.5-1 EUR, meat (1 kg) - 6-10 EUR, milk (1 liter) - 0.7-1.5 EUR, olive oil - 4.70 EUR, eggs (12 pieces) – 2.20 euros, rice (1 kg) – 1.50 euros.

Lunch in a Spanish restaurant will cost about 10-15 euros.

For a ticket to the cinema, you need to pay 7-9 euros, and to the museum - from 15 euros. A trip to the theater for two will cost about 50 euros.

Prices for clothes in Spain are also quite affordable. Jeans can be purchased for 20-30 euros, and a T-shirt for 5-10 euros. Average prices for shoes range from 50 to 100 euros.

So, for a comfortable life in Spain, a couple of two people needs about 1200-1400 euros per month.

Spain offers foreigners a vibrant lifestyle and rich culture. In addition to sunny beaches and night restaurants, you will find here a modern country that respects its own traditions and is able to give a foreigner the perfect balance between work and personal life. Therefore, we advise all digital nomads to consider moving here, especially considering the possibility of receiving money for moving to the Extremadura region.

We will remind you! The ability to work from anywhere in the world has opened up new perspectives for expats in choosing a place of residence. The Spanish city of Malaga has become one of the main IT centers in 2024. Find out what attracts digital nomads here in this article.

Planning a trip or move abroad? An important part of a successful trip is an insurance policy, as it guarantees high-quality medical care anywhere in the world and can protect you from unnecessary expenses while travelling.  You can buy insurance from trusted agents on the Visit World portal. 

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Spain;

Legal advice on immigration to Spain;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Spain;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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