Ubezpieczenie w celu uzyskania zezwolenia na pobyt

Obtaining an insurance policy is a mandatory requirement for foreigners who plan to obtain a residence permit in Turkey. This applies to employees of foreign companies, students, teachers, volunteers, journalists, religious figures and other categories of foreign citizens.

Who needs an insurance policy to obtain a residence permit in Turkey?

The Migration Service requires medical insurance for foreigners who plan to obtain a residence permit on the basis of:

- Availability of real estate in Turkey.

- Tourist purposes.

- Studying at a university, learning the Turkish language, staying under a student exchange program.

- Treatment in medical clinics in the country.

- Work and doing business.

- Family ties.

- Humanitarian reasons.

Basic insurance requirements for a residence permit in Turkey

The Turkish government does not impose strict requirements on the components of insurance. A medical policy with minimal coverage is suitable for applying for a residence permit.

However, it is important to remember that if you get sick or injured and your policy does not cover these cases, you will have to pay for the treatment yourself. Therefore, also pay attention to the characteristics of your health.

What risks does medical insurance cover for a residence permit in Turkey?

- Coverage of inpatient treatment - surgery, intensive care, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, dialysis, ambulance, physiotherapy, nursing, limb prosthetics, auxiliary medical equipment.

- Outpatient treatment - the insurance company pays 80% of the cost of treatment, which includes a doctor's examination, laboratory tests, X-rays, physiotherapy, advanced diagnostic methods.

- Intensive care – 45 days per year.

Read more about how to apply for an insurance policy to obtain a Residence Permit in Turkey on the Visit World portal below.


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Jaki jest minimalny i maksymalny okres wystawienia polisy?

Na stronie internetowej Visit World można złożyć wniosek o polisę ubezpieczenia podróżnego na okres od 3 do 90 dni. Warunkiem jest, aby okres jej ważności pokrywał się z datą rozpoczęcia i zakończenia podróży (kiedy nie trzeba ubiegać się o wizę) lub z okresem, na który wiza jest otwarta.

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Co zrobić w przypadku zdarzenia objętego ubezpieczeniem?

Nie mogę opłacić ubezpieczenia, co powinienem zrobić?

Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli wprowadziłem nieprawidłowe dane podczas składania wniosku o polisę ubezpieczeniową i już ją opłaciłem?

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Visit World offers fast and convenient online insurance. We cooperate only with proven insurance companies, guaranteeing the reliability and transparency of insurance. Our service allows you to receive an official insurance policy in your mail in a matter of minutes without unnecessary hassle.

How to buy an insurance policy for a residence permit online on the Visit World website?

The process of applying for insurance to obtain a residence permit on our portal is as simple as possible and takes only a few minutes:

Step 1 – Select the destination country (Turkey), indicate your citizenship and click the “Search” button.

Step 2 – The system will offer several tariffs that differ in duration (1 or 2 years) and a set of compensated risks. Choose the one that suits you and click “Buy”.

Step 3 – Enter your date of birth and indicate the period of validity of the insurance policy.

Step 4 – Fill in your contact information (Name, surname, email address, phone number, country of citizenship, etc.). At this stage, you can add data about other insured persons if you plan to receive a permit together with your family.

Step 5 – Check whether the information you entered is correct, consent to the processing of personal data and read the terms of the contract. Confirm all actions and click “Continue”.

Step 6 – A verification code will be sent to your email address, enter it in the window that appears on the site.

Step 7 – Pay for the insurance policy in a way convenient for you.

Step 8 – A few minutes after payment, the insurance policy will be sent to your email address. The document is valid even in electronic form, if desired, you can print it.

How to pay for an insurance policy to obtain a residence permit on the Visit World portal?

Available payment methods

You can pay for insurance online:

- With a bank card of any bank in the world: Visa or Mastercard

- Through payment systems: Apple Pay, Google Pay and American Express

Important! The Visit World payment system is secure, all data of our customers is reliably protected and confidential.

What are the advantages of applying for an insurance policy to obtain a residence permit on the Visit World portal?

The main advantage is that it is on the Visit World portal that you can purchase reliable insurance from a trusted insurance agent. Also, the policies have many additional advantages - consultant support, packages with different sets of services and different durations, payment guarantee, online payment, etc.

Simply choose the most suitable options for your specific needs, travel safely and save money with insurance from Visit World!

Follow the link to buy an insurance policy for a residence permit or contact our support service via the form on the website or messenger (WhatsApp or Telegram). Our managers will answer all your questions and help you with the registration of the appropriate insurance policy for your car.