
Trends in global tourism in 2023

Trends in global tourism in 2023

International tourism has finally begun to recover from the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic. According to Euromonitor's forecast, global inbound tourism spending is expected to reach full recovery by 2024. Find out what trends will characterize the world's tourism in 2023

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In 2022, international tourism gradually recovered after the coronavirus epidemic, according to forecasts, this trend will continue in 2023. Research firm Euromonitor International recently released its own forecast, which expects inbound tourism spending to reach 83% of its peak levels in 2019 in the first quarter of 2023. Full recovery of the industry is expected in 2024.

However, tourism is currently facing new challenges, including the "world cost of living crisis". That is why tourist operators try to create products that are based on the values of tourists and will be able to interest them as much as possible.

How will tourism develop and what trends will be popular in 2023?

China is a symbol of the revival of tourism in 2023

At the beginning of 2023, the last coronavirus restrictions in the Asia-Pacific region were lifted. In particular, on January 8, 2023, China opened to international tourism. Experts do not expect a special surge in the 1st quarter, because the number of cases of COVID-19 is increasing within China. As a result, some countries introduce quarantine restrictions for Chinese tourists.

The flow of tourists from China is expected to start gaining momentum from the second quarter of 2023 onwards. This trend will lead to exceptional growth in outbound tourism spending globally, by more than 400% in 2023 compared to the past. This will provide the necessary impetus for the development of many tourist destinations, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

Instead, the cost-of-living crisis that has engulfed Europe and North America may contribute to a reduction in global inbound tourism spending.

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Increasingly, the choice of travel reflects the interests and beliefs of the tourist. In particular, the popularity of the system of mixed trips (or "bleisure" - business plus leisure) is actively growing: these can be so-called "workations" (working vacations) or "work from anywhere" (the ability to work from anywhere).

Also, experts predict an increase in the popularity of tourist routes based on sports, ecotourism and a healthy lifestyle in the period from 2023 to 2027. For example, trips during which most of the time is devoted to yoga, well-being and medical procedures in SPA centers as prescribed by a doctor.

Beach holidays, adventure and green tourism will be in demand, as the appeal of outdoor recreation continues to grow after the pandemic. According to forecasts, it will account for 57% of trips in 2023.

Currently, most people on the planet strive to have the most positive impact on the environment in their everyday life. For example, 57.3% of tourists noted that during their trip they are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products or sourcing local food and beverages, using alternative energy sources, offsetting carbon emissions and paying fair wages for workers.

Also, with the support of tourists, governments and private businesses, the decarbonization movement will become increasingly popular in 2023.

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