User agreement

User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "rules", "agreement") of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "site", "portal")

The use of the information portal by the User means that the User accepts and undertakes to comply with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

The site administration reserves the right to make changes to the Agreement, which come into force from the moment of publication. The text of the current version of the Agreement is always available on Your continued use of the site after such changes have been made means that you agree to them.

Key terms

Website (Portal) - a set of files placed on the network, united by the address space of the domain

The User of the Website (User) is any person who communicates/acts on the Website and hereby automatically confirms full agreement with the provisions of the User Agreement.

The Website Administration (Administration) is VISIT WORLD SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, which owns all relevant property rights to the Website and administers it.

Content means any information content of an information resource, including texts, numbers, photos, videos, graphic elements, including news and other materials.

1.   Rights and obligations of the site administration and moderators

1.1 The administration has the right to change the design of the site and content at any time and without notice;

1.2 The Administration has the right to send users notifications regarding the use of the Website by e-mail and other means of communication;

1.3.The moderator of the website, appointed by the by the Administration, monitors and takes the necessary measures to ensure that the content posted on the site corresponds to the subject matter of the site. The moderator and the Administration of the Site make every effort to exclude from the Site negligent, inaccurate, offensive, untrue or deliberately incomplete information;

1.4 The site administration may use the personal data of users to communicate with these users, for example, to notify them of changes/updates to the site services or to send important notices and other similar messages related to products that have been registered by the user and contact for purposes related to user/customer service, as well as informing about promotions, discounts and exclusive offers of the site;

2.   Disclaimer of liability

2.1. Articles and information, other content posted on the Site are not a recommendation for investing money and cannot be considered as an inducement to take action;

2.2. The Site Administration shall not be liable to the User or any third parties for any damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation caused in connection with the use of the Site;

2.3 The Website Administration shall not be liable to the User or any third parties for the consequences of using the information used/received by the User on the Website; 

2.4. The Administration provides the content for informational purposes only and claims regarding the inaccuracy or error of calculations, statements, conclusions may be of a recommendation nature only;

2.5. All proposals, intentions, statements and any other statements may not be considered as a public offer.

3.   User rights and obligations

3.1 The user has the right to use the information and functionality of the site and contact the site administration to resolve disputes;

3.2. Publish information from the Website with a mandatory link to the portal"".  

4.   Agreement on confidentiality and storage of personal data

4.1 The collection, storage, use, processing, disclosure of information received by the Website Administration as a result of a private person's visit to the Website and/or filling out registration forms, including personal data of the Users, is carried out by the Website Administration in accordance with the applicable law. A private person is aware of and agrees to the collection and processing of his/her personal data by the Website Administration within the framework and for the purposes provided for in the terms of the User Agreement; undertakes to notify the Website Administration in writing if he/she wishes to exclude his/her personal data from the Website databases.

4.2. In the event of registration on the website or filling out applications for financial products of the Insurance Companies, personal data may be transferred to the following third parties:

   - Systems for collecting statistics on portal visits;
   - Banks;
   - Insurance companies represented on the site;
   - Insurance agents.

4.3. The collection, storage, use, processing, disclosure of information received by VISIT WORLD SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ as a result of visitors visiting its websites and/or filling out registration forms, including personal data of users, is carried out in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.

5.      Cost of services provided under this Agreement

5.1 The cost of paid services provided by the Service Provider shall be specified in the Terms and Conditions of the Insurance Agreement posted on the website, as well as on the relevant pages of the website for each individual service, including all taxes and fees.

5.2 For the functions of the Site provided to the User, the Site Administration has established the possibility of voluntary payment by the User through the WFP payment system, "LiqPay", "Portmone", (Visa and MasterCard cards) in order to support the development of the web resource and processing of questionnaires (service fee) referred to in this Agreement; at the same time, the specified voluntary payment made by the User does not imply the receipt of any income (profit), as well as the payment of any remuneration or compensation. Also, the amount of such voluntary payment shall not affect the amount of free functions of the Website available to the User. In case of payment through the interface of the WFP, LiqPay or Portmone system, the User accepts the terms of use of the services of these sites. At the same time, the Parties agree that the User shall not bear any obligations related to the declaration of the results of charitable activities and shall not receive any tax benefits in this regard. The funds that the User pays to the Website as a service fee are not investments and do not fall under the signs of investment activity, which, accordingly, does not lead to any consequences for the parties to this Agreement provided for by the legislation on investment activity.

5.3 The amount of the voluntary payment as a service fee is determined in this Agreement.

5.4 The terms, method, price, term (period) of performance and payment procedure for services are determined by agreement of the parties before the provision of the service. In any case, the use of paid functions of the site shall be made after payment for the service in the manner provided for in this Agreement and in case of agreement with the Agreement and the Insurance Agreement.   

5.5. The cost and procedure for the provision of services, information about which is posted on the Website, is specified in the Insurance Agreement. 

5.6. Paid services provided to the Website User shall be valid for the entire time paid for by the Website User, except for the restrictions provided for in this Agreement and the Insurance Agreement.

5.7. Settlements shall be made by the Website User paying 100% of the cost of the services by bank transfer to the address of the Service Provider using the details specified by the Service Provider. Payment can be made by bank transfer in any way chosen by the Service Provider, including through any payment systems chosen by the Service Provider. Information on the payment method is available on the Website.

5.8. The Parties have agreed that certain payment methods for services may include a commission or fee for the services of fiscal systems, acquirers, payment aggregators, banks, other payment system participants, etc. that are not included in the price of services. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the establishment of such fees or charges for the services of third parties. 

5.9. The terms and procedure for the provision of financial services for the transfer of funds (acceptance of payments) are posted on the official websites of banks or financial companies on the Internet. The User understands and agrees that when paying for services using the services of banks and financial institutions, the User shall independently pay bank fees and (or) fees of financial institutions for the transfer of funds in accordance with the tariffs of such institutions. The User's expenses related to the payment for the services shall be borne by the User independently and shall not be reimbursed by the Service Provider. 

5.10. The Parties have agreed that the services paid for by the User through payment systems shall be considered paid at the moment of crediting the funds to the current account of the payment system specified in the Order. After the funds are credited to the current account of the payment system, the Website User acquires the right to use the Services for which payment has been made.

5.11. The User shall be deemed to have read the terms of this Agreement if he/she has made the appropriate payment for access to the paid functions of the Website.

5.12. The provisions of this part of the Agreement on the Website's paid functions shall enter into legal force from the moment the relevant paid functions of the Website start functioning.

6.      Terms of refund of paid funds

6.1.     Refund of the funds paid by the User for the services received both within the framework of paid functions of the site and within the framework of voluntary payments that the User may make under the terms of this Agreement shall be made in the following order:

1.if the request (application) for a refund is received on the day of payment, the paid funds are refunded to minus the service fee.
2.if the request (application) for a refund is received the next day or within another time period after the payment has been made, except for reasoned reasons in accordance with clause 3, the funds shall be refunded with a deduction of up to 40%.
3.if the User's request (application) for a refund is received during the period of validity of the insurance policy or after its expiration, the funds shall not be refunded.
4.if the User's request (application) for a refund is justified by the purchase of a new Policy from the same Insurance Company on the Website and the validity period has not begun, the funds shall be refunded minus the service fee.

6.2.      The User has the opportunity to apply to the Insurance Company for postponement of the insurance dates before the beginning of the insurance period for an indefinite period for a future trip.

6.3.      For service cancellation and refunds, please contact or the Website hotline  

By agreeing to the rules of use of the information portal, the user agrees to voluntarily pay a service fee of 8% in accordance with the Public Offer Agreement for processing his/her application form, personal data, as well as their storage and transfer of data exclusively to the persons specified in clause 4.2 of this Agreement.

If you do not agree with these rules, please do not use the Website.