
The Swedish city of Götene is selling land for development for pennies: who can save?

The Swedish city of Götene is selling land for development for pennies: who can save?

Settling in Sweden has become much easier, because the city of Göten sells plots of land at very low prices. The local authorities have already received many requests from applicants from different parts of the world. Find out what additional conditions and how to buy land

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Order an insurance policy for safe travel, stay or work abroad

The small Swedish town of Göten is trying to increase its population by selling land for development at prices well below market value. The initiative has already attracted thousands of potential buyers. We will talk about the conditions of purchase and the price of the plot below.

Cost and requirements for land buyers in Joten

In May 2024, the authorities of the city of Göten announced that they were ready to sell plots of land at a price of 1 kroner per square meter (or 0.08 euros). However, on the condition that the buyers will build their own house on this land within two years, move to it for permanent residence or use it for recreation. If the requirements are violated, the land will return to the local municipality.

Who can buy a plot of land in Joten?

In general, there are no restrictions on the purchase of land in Göten. The city did not establish any special legal requirements, but the Swedish authorities did not cancel the visa regulations. Therefore, only people who have a permanent residence permit in Sweden will probably get the right to buy land here.

To ensure a safe move to Sweden, we advise you to contact a specialist. Qualified specialists with legal education will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration abroad.

Why did Yotene dare to do such an action?

Göten Mayor Johan Monsson said the city decided to launch the scheme to attract as many people as possible to the region, which has been experiencing low birth rates and an aging population for some time.

The plots offered to buyers have been on the market for many years, some of them even decades. However, so far no one has dared to buy them, because their market value is on average 500,000 crowns, or 47,158 dollars. It usually costs between 3 and 4 million kroner, or between $283,000 and $377,262, to build a house here.

Götene is a small town in central Sweden in Västra-Yotaland county. The administrative center of the municipality of Göten, located 337 km southwest of Stockholm. The population is 5,000 people.

The main attraction of the city is Lake Venern, the largest in Sweden. Several UNESCO World Heritage sites are also nearby: the Plateaubergens Geopark, the Lake Venern Archipelago and the Kinnekulle Mountains.

The local population mainly works in tourism and agriculture.

This ideal city is able to give an expat a peaceful life, which at the same time will not lose its quality.

Since the launch of the campaign, Göten management has received thousands of offers from potential residents and recently decided to temporarily suspend the sale until the beginning of August, to organize the process. Experts believe that when Yotene starts selling off land again, most likely, instead of selling plots at such a low price, a bidding process will take place.

Also, given the high demand, the mayor says that they plan to increase the number of plots available for sale (there were only 30 at the beginning of the program) and consider the possibility of selling cheap houses, as was done in Italy.

In general, the action in Joten is planned to continue during 2024 and 2025.

Göten is not the only one that offers land plots with discounts. In the south, the municipality of Hülte launched a similar campaign earlier this year, selling 54 plots at the same price. Therefore, in 2024, building your own home in Europe has become much easier. We will also remind you that the Italian government offers grants from 10,000 euros for moving to Tuscany, details at the link.

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Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in the Sweden;

Legal advice on immigration to the Sweden;

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