
The European Union has confirmed the date of launch of the entry/exit system: what is known

The European Union has confirmed the date of launch of the entry/exit system: what is known

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Joba Johansson has announced the date of launch of the entry/exit system. This innovation will affect more than 700 million tourists. Learn more about the features of the EES system for EU border management

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Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

The European Commission has officially announced the date of implementation of the new entry/exit system in the European Union (EES). In a speech at the eu-LISA conference, European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ilva Johansson said that the EES will be launched on November 10, 2024.

While previous media reports have already mentioned a possible launch date, this is the first time that the European Union has officially confirmed the date and set it as a target for the system's implementation.

After extensive consultations with Member States and various stakeholders, Commissioner Johansson has decided to launch the system on that date. Although several procedures still need to be completed legally, November 10 has been set as the final date for the launch of the EES.

In addition to confirming the launch date, the Commissioner also said that the system is now in the final stages of testing, which indicates that it is ready to go live on schedule.

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The EES system will be used by 700+ million tourists annually

After the launch of the EES system, Commissioner Johansson noted that 700 million people traveling to Europe will benefit from this innovation every year. At the same time, she emphasized that 450 million Europeans will feel safer thanks to this system.

“700 million people will feel the impact of your work, as more than 700 million tourists visited Europe last year. And thanks to your work, 450 million Europeans will sleep better,” Johansson said.

The Commissioner also thanked EU-LISA for successfully fulfilling its mission over the past decade.

How will the EES system work?

The Entry-Exit System (EES) is a new automated IT system that will register foreign travelers entering the EU for short stays, regardless of whether they have a visa-free regime. This system will replace the traditional stamping of passports by automatically recording the traveler's name, document type, biometric data (fingerprints and face photo), as well as the date and place of entry and exit from the EU.

The EES will be used not only to register entry and exit, but also to record entry denials. The main goal of the system is to improve border management, prevent illegal migration and increase the security of European citizens. The EES will also help to identify people who are staying in the EU beyond the authorized period, as well as those who are trying to cross the border with forged documents.

Once the EES is operational, all foreigners will be required to register in the system. Travelers' data will be stored in the database for three years, which will simplify entry and exit procedures for regular visitors.

We remind you! Passing through airport security without a passport, storing travel documents in a digital wallet, and many other travel facilitation measures are being introduced at the world's largest airports. Read more about how biometric technologies are changing the travel industry.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

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