
Visa Run: what is this procedure and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

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Visa Run: what is this procedure and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

Visa Run is a way to extend your stay in the country simply by traveling abroad. It is quite popular among a certain category of expats. Find out what visa run is, how to extend the permit, and the advantages and disadvantages of this method

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Visa Run is a way to "reset" the period of stay in the country by simply crossing the border. This procedure is usually practiced by expats who live and work in countries where it is difficult or impossible to extend a visa. Leaving the country for a short time and returning starts a new calculation of days of legal stay. Also, sometimes this procedure is necessary to activate the visa.

What is Visa Run? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the system? How to organize a trip? We tell.

What is Visa Run?

Visa run (Visa Run) is a trip that is carried out specifically for the purpose of renewing or extending a visa. This usually involves leaving the country the person is currently in and then returning immediately to reset the clock on their visa. Visa Runs are often made by people who live and work in a country on a short-term visa and need to leave and re-enter the country to continue their legal stay.

Ways to extend a visa using the Visa Run procedure

The visa stamp extension procedure can be carried out in several different ways:

1. By land - a tourist can do this both independently and with the help of intermediaries. In the first case, the traveler needs to plan the route himself, buy tickets, and fill out documents.

2. By air is an expensive and not always justified method. In this case, you should worry about the return ticket to the country of departure and the amount, the availability of which must be confirmed at the border, as a financial guarantee.

3. By water - often used by those tourists who live on islands, from where it is easier to reach the nearest border by sea.

How does the Visa Run procedure work?

Step 1 – Determine if you need a visa

Before starting the Visa Run procedure, it is important to determine whether it is really necessary. This will depend on the type of visa you have, the length of stay in the country and the specific rules and regulations of the country in which you live.

Step 2 – Choose your destination

Once you have determined that a visa is required, you will need to select a destination for travel. This usually involves choosing a neighboring country that offers easy entry and exit, allowing you to extend your visa.

Step 3 – Contact experienced expats

Ask other travelers who have recently gone through similar procedures for advice. Travel blogs and Facebook groups are a fantastic source of up-to-date information on every border crossing around the world. Here you can find out about the current situation at the border and get a lot of useful information.

Step 4 – Organize the trip

The next step is to organize a trip to the chosen place. Find the most cost-effective way to travel. There may be cheap flights or you can take the bus.

It is necessary to take care of the organization of the visa extension procedure on the eve of its expiration. For this expat, it is necessary to buy a two-way ticket, book accommodation (if necessary) and prepare financial guarantees.

Step 5 – Get started

In general, the entire Visa Run procedure includes the following stages:

1. Passing the checkpoint.

2. Crossing the border of a neighboring state.

3. Return to the host country.

Usually, difficulties at the border arise only for those who have exceeded the permitted period of stay in the country, and for those who have used this method of prolongation too often.

Usually, when traveling by air, tourists still have time to see the sights of the city in the country where they arrived to extend the validity of their visa.

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Visa Run procedure

Visa Run is a fairly simple procedure, but it also has a number of advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before you set off.

Advantages of the Visa Run procedure:

1. Minimizing the bureaucratic part of the process. That is, the applicant does not need to fill out a large number of papers, wait in lines and become part of other formal red tape that necessarily accompanies the visa application procedure at the consulate.

2. Saving money when paying consular fees, which can often be quite expensive.

Disadvantages of the Visa Run system:

1. Long stay on the road.

One of the disadvantages of obtaining a visa is that it can take a lot of time and money. The traveler must plan and pay for the trip to the neighboring country, which may last several days and will require booking flights, hotels and other travel expenses. This can be especially difficult for people on a tight budget or with limited travel time.

2. The risk of being rejected when passing control.

Depending on the country where the traveler is staying, there may be strict rules regarding how long a person can stay in the country without a valid visa. If a traveler is unable to extend their visa during the process, they may be forced to leave the country suddenly, which can be frustrating and stressful.

3. Mistrust on the part of border guards

In addition, some countries may view visa racing as a way to circumvent immigration laws and may view travelers who engage in such practices negatively. This can lead to difficulties when trying to enter the country in the future, or even to the refusal of entry or deportation of the traveler.

4. Unpredictability

The possibility of a drastic change in legislation. This is especially true when traveling to countries with uncertain political climates or unstable governments.

Which countries allow the Visa Run procedure?

Depending on the citizenship, representatives of different countries can carry out the Visa Run procedure in one of the following countries: Argentina, China, Georgia, Mozambique, Serbia, Uruguay, Montenegro, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam, Armenia.

So, Visa Run is quite a popular way to extend your visa, but before you make a decision about the Visa Run procedure, be sure to weigh all the advantages, disadvantages and risks, and plan your trip carefully.

To keep up to date with the latest changes in the migration legislation of different countries of the world, read the news on the Visit World portal.

We will remind you! A Chinese port visa is a special permit that a foreigner can obtain at one of the airports of the PRC upon arrival, but only if there are valid reasons. We have already told who can get a port visa in China and what features this permit has.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe trip abroad, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations while traveling around the world.

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Legal advice from a local specialist on visa and migration issues;

Travel insurance around the world (please select the country of interest and citizenship to receive services);

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asked questions

What is Visa Run?

Visa Run is such a method of obtaining a new stamp (extending stay in some countries). Previously, it was possible to carry out this procedure several times in a row. Recently, certain countries have canceled this procedure altogether.

Why visas are needed?

Who issues the visa?

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