The healthcare system in Kazakhstan: medicine for foreigners and insurance

The healthcare system is a priority area in the development of the country. After the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan became an independent country, but on its territory there was a medical industry left over from the Soviet period. However, over time, there have been significant changes in medicine associated with the development of technology and the restructuring of the entire industry.
Short story
From 1991 to 2002, Kazakhstan had a replica of the Soviet healthcare system. However, 2002 was proclaimed the year of health in the country. At this time, structural changes in the industry began. For example, in the 2002, for the first time in the post-Soviet space, compulsory vaccination of new-borns against hepatitis was introduced. Measures for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases were also introduced.
In December 2009, the Government of Kazakhstan adopted a Code called "On the health of the people and the healthcare system." This document set the direction for the development of traditional medicine. The goal of implementing the adopted document was the availability of medical services for the majority of the population. It concerned high technologies and financial opportunities.
Currently (2022), about 80% of medical institutions are under state control. The majority of the population has no problems accessing basic services related to the provision of basic medical care. Citizens who have additional funds have the opportunity to be treated in paid clinics. This branch occupies about 20% of all state medicine.
Medicine in Kazakhstan for foreigners
Any foreigner who is in Kazakhstan and needs urgent medical care will certainly receive it. This requirement is recorded in paragraph No. 1 of Article No. 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the legal status of foreigners”. Therefore, any person, regardless of his legal affiliation, will be provided with the necessary medical assistance if necessary.
However, there are a number of services provided free of charge. However, this spectrum concerns only measures related to emergency assistance, as well as the elimination of diseases that may pose a potential threat to others. These include:
- diphtheria;
- whooping cough;
- measles;
- scarlet fever;
- chicken pox;
- typhus;
- tuberculosis;
- others (the full list can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 26, 2009).
United Medical Tourism Expo: a major professional event to be held in Kazakhstan in the fall. More details here.
Help for foreigners
For citizens who are not residents of the country, two types of medical care are provided at the legislative level - emergency and planned. The first type turns out to be a person in case of emergency, associated with a violation of the physical or mental state. Assistance is provided in any medical institution located on the territory of the state. Regardless of the form of ownership. Public or private. However, payment for the provision of services begins to be charged from the moment when the patient's health is not in danger. In this case, payment may be at the expense of available funds or the availability of insurance.
Medical insurance in Kazakhstan
Health insurance in the country is accepted at the state level. Each formally employed worker automatically pays for his insurance through transfers to the state fund. As of 2022, the employer pays 3% of the employee's salary as an insurance premium.
As for individual entrepreneurs, the system is more complicated. The amount of the contribution depends on the following factors:
- the amount of officially registered income;
- place of residence (city, town);
- availability of benefits.
Insurance can be obtained from one of the local private or public companies. However, the easiest way to do this is while still at home. That will be much easier. To do this, you need to contact a company that will offer to issue insurance coverage on a legal basis. At the same time, specialists will be able to choose the best option for a foreigner who comes to Kazakhstan in any political status.
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