
Working Holiday Program: what is this program, requirements, pros and cons, top of the best countries

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Working Holiday Program: what is this program, requirements, pros and cons, top of the best countries

To travel, learn new cultures and earn money at the same time is the dream of many people in the world. It is quite possible to experience life in another country within the framework of the Working Holiday Program. Find out what this special type of visa is, in which countries it is valid and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of moving abroad

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Work and holiday visa is a special type of visa that allows young people to work and study the culture of another country. This is usually possible within the framework of agreements between states that have signed a special agreement. In this way, countries promote partnership and cultural exchange with each other. Working Holiday Program - programs that allow you to experience the best of life in a foreign country firsthand.

Advantages of the Work and Holiday Program

1. The opportunity to travel and earn money at the same time - thanks to this program, a foreigner can explore new destinations and at the same time not spend his own savings. You can work part-time, so that the salary received is enough to finance your stay in a foreign country.

2. Cultural immersion - with a work-leave visa, you will get a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of another country. You will live the everyday life of a local resident, you will better understand the customs and traditions of the state.

3. Professional experience – an expat will be able to gain unique work experience in various industries and thereby improve their resume and expand their skill set.

4. Meetings - a foreigner will have a unique opportunity to meet people in different parts of the world and expand his network of communication.

Cons of the Working Holiday Program

1. Age restrictions - usually this permit can be issued by young people under the age of 30.

2. Limited time - permission is obtained for a limited period of time - from several months to a year. Therefore, it is necessary to use time abroad as efficiently as possible.

3. Availability of work – You may face high competition for employment, especially in popular locations. Also, the job you get won't always match your skills or career prospects.

Requirements for the applicant to obtain a Work and holiday visa

Of course, each country has its own requirements for a future expat, but in most countries a foreigner must meet the following criteria:

- Nationality – the country of your origin must have an active exchange program with the country to which you plan to move.

- Age - in most cases you should be between 18 and 30 years old. However, citizens of Canada and New Zealand can apply for work visas under the age of 35.

- Work - this visa allows you to work for one employer for a maximum of 6 months. Some countries also limit the type of work you can do.

- Quotas - most countries set annual limits on the number of foreigners who can issue Work and holiday visas.

- Number of permits – usually one applicant can participate in the program of a certain country only once. With the exception of Australia, which allows participants to obtain a visa multiple times.

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Which countries offer Working Holiday Programs?


Australia work and holiday visa is one of the most popular work and holiday visa programs. More than 150,000 permits were issued during the entire period of the program.

- Countries whose citizens have the right to participate in the Australian program: Argentina, Belgium, Austria, Canada, Chile, Republic of Cyprus, China, Denmark, Czech Republic, Estonia, Ecuador, Finland, Greece, France, Hungary, Germany, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Israel, Republic of Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, Peru, Republic of Korea, Poland, Malta, Portugal, Netherlands, San Marino, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Slovakia, Taiwan, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay, USA and Vietnam.

- Requirements: age 18-30 (35 for some countries), sufficient amount of funds in the account for stay in the country, health insurance, return ticket.

- Term of stay: up to 1 year.

- Is it possible to extend the permit? Yes, for the second year, meeting certain criteria.

- Where do foreigners work? Foreigners in Australia have to do certain jobs - farming, fishing, pearl mining, tree growing and felling, tourism and hospitality.

- Where to apply for a visa: Online through the Australian Department of Home Affairs website.


Canada's working holiday visa is considered one of the best in the world, as it offers young expats numerous prospects. This permit is part of the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, which allows young people to work and travel or do internships in Canada.

- Countries whose citizens are eligible to participate in the Canadian program: Australia, Hong Kong, Portugal, Austria, Ireland, San Marino, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Chile, Japan, Slovenia, Costa Rica, South Korea, Spain, Croatia, Latvia , Sweden, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Switzerland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Estonia, Netherlands, Great Britain, France, New Zealand, USA, Germany, Norway, Greece and Poland.

- Requirements for participants: age from 18 to 35 (may vary depending on the country), sufficient amount of funds in the account for stay in the country, health insurance, return ticket, no dependent children.

- Term of stay: up to 2 years.

- Can we continue? No.

- Where to apply for a visa: the application must be submitted online through the International Experience Canada program. More information at the link.


A working holiday visa to Ireland is ideal if you are a student or recent graduate. Working holiday visa holders can work in any job with any employer.

- Countries whose citizens are eligible to participate in the Irish program: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan and the USA.

- Requirements for participants: age from 18 to 30 years (may vary depending on the country), sufficient amount of funds in the account for stay in the country, medical insurance, return ticket.

- Term of stay: up to 1 year.

- Can we continue? No.

- Where to apply for a visa: at the Irish embassy or consulate in the country of origin.


The Working Holiday Program in Japan has 26 partner countries, and each year the country issues about 15,000 such visas. A Japanese visa for leisure and work will allow you to get to know the local culture. The program is very attractive to expats, especially given Japan's strict visa requirements.

Among the restrictions - with this visa it is forbidden to work in bars, cabarets, night clubs or gambling centers.

- Countries whose citizens have the right to participate in the Japanese program: Germany, Poland, Australia, Hong Kong, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Republic of Korea, Canada, Iceland, Slovakia, Chile, Ireland, Spain, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Estonia, New Zealand, Great Britain, France and Norway.

- Requirements for participants: age 18-30 years, sufficient amount of funds in the account for stay in the country, valid passport, must not have previously received a work visa to Japan.

- Term of stay: up to 1 year.

- Can we continue? No.

- Where to apply: Japanese embassy or consulate in your country.


You can apply for an Austrian working holiday visa and stay there for one year, providing for yourself financially. In addition, you can visit any other Schengen country as long as your visa is valid. During your stay in Austria, you can do a wide range of jobs for this visa type: waiters, events team, instructors, teaching assistants and hotel staff.

- Countries whose citizens have the right to participate in the Austrian program: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan

- Requirements for participants: age 18-30 years.

- How to apply: You can apply for a visa only at the Austrian embassy.

South Korea

 South Korea is definitely a country you should have on your “to visit” list. It is a country with a rich cultural heritage and some extraordinary sights to see. However, if you are worried about the financial aspect of traveling to South Korea then you needn't worry as there is a very popular working holiday scheme here.

Working holiday visa holders can work in a variety of fields, but certain jobs (such as artist) are prohibited. Some of the most popular South Korean work visa jobs include tourism, translation, voice acting, and English teaching.

- Countries whose citizens are eligible to participate in the Austrian program: Australia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada and Chile.

- Requirements for participants: age from 18 to 30 (may depend on the country), sufficient amount of funds in the account for stay in the country, return ticket.

- Term of stay: up to 1 year.

- Can we continue? No.

Requirements for work: c

- Where to apply for a visa: Korean embassy or consulate in your country.

Similar programs are also available in France, Argentina, New Zealand, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Italy, Spain, Chile, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Norway and many other countries.

The Working Holiday Program is a great opportunity for young people to explore new countries and gain work experience. However, remember that specific requirements and details may change, so it is important to check all information before applying for a visa.

We will remind you! Countries offer attractive financial incentives to attract new residents. Startup grants, affordable housing, training opportunities and more. Find out which countries are willing to pay for moving to them and under what conditions in this article.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

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