Residence permit and citizenship of Qatar: rules and procedure for registration in 2024

Qatar is a country with a strong economy that attracts foreigners from all over the world. However, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship of the country has its own peculiarities. Find out what an expat needs for a long-term stay in Qatar
Qatar is a small Arab state located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country borders Saudi Arabia and is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf. The area of Qatar is 11.5 thousand square kilometers, almost the entire territory is occupied by deserts, there are no fresh water bodies. However, despite sparse vegetation and a predominantly desert landscape, the country has vast reserves of natural gas and oil. This makes Qatar one of the richest countries in the world with the highest GDP per capita - up to 95 thousand dollars. The main branches of the economy are the oil refining, petrochemical, chemical and metallurgical industries.
The standard of living in Qatar, free medicine, education, security, low taxes and high salaries attract many migrants to the country. Foreigners make up at least 88% of Qatar's population. Many of them live in Qatar on the basis of a residence permit. However, we should not forget that the path to citizenship also exists, although it is extremely limited.
We will tell you more about the features of obtaining a residence permit and citizenship in Qatar in 2024.
Work permit for residence in Qatar
If you plan to live and work in Qatar, you will need a valid residence permit (RP), because this document will not only give you the right to legally stay and work in the country, but also allow you to sign a lease, pay bills, get a Qatari driver's license etc.
Residence permits are issued by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) of Qatar. The document itself contains the name, date of birth, nationality and occupation of the expat, and is supplemented with an 11-digit identification number.
- How to apply for a work permit to reside in Qatar?
Usually, the employer is responsible for issuing a residence permit for foreign workers. When you find an employer who is located in Qatar and wants to employ you, he will start the paperwork as your sponsor. However, it is necessary to maintain good communication with him and confirm all the steps that you need to take from your side. This will also help you avoid any delays and stay updated.
In particular, you will need to undergo a medical examination - pass a blood test for the presence of infectious diseases, take a chest X-ray and provide fingerprints.
The process of obtaining a residence permit usually takes two to four weeks, but it can take longer.
- Documents for obtaining a work permit for residence in Qatar
1. Application for obtaining a passport in Arabic and English.
2. Medical certificate.
3. A copy of the commercial registration of the business.
4. A copy of the company's immigration card.
5. 2 passport size photos.
6. Original passport.
7. Original work visa.
8. Passport of the sponsor, if the employer is a natural person.
After issuing a residence permit, a foreigner can work for an employer until the termination of his employment relationship.
The permit must be renewed annually.
Other types of residence permits in Qatar
In addition to the work visa, Qatar offers several types of long-term visas. They include:
- Investor visa
Under the Qatar Investment Visa, foreign nationals who have invested in a specific Qatari business can obtain long-term residency without employer sponsorship. To apply for a Qatari investor visa, applicants will need to demonstrate ownership of relevant shares or property, a health certificate and proof of no criminal record.
- Visa for real estate
Similar to the investor visa, this visa offers long-term residency in Qatar to foreign nationals who have purchased or invested in real estate in Qatar. The requirements for an application for a real estate visa are the same as for an investor visa.
- Family visa
The Family Residence Visa in Qatar is intended for dependents (including spouses) of Qatari residents who hold another type of long-term visa in the country.
To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.
Conditions for obtaining Qatari citizenship
Legal residents who have lived in Qatar for at least 25 years without a break of more than 2 consecutive months in one year can apply for Qatari citizenship.
Additional requirements can also include:
- Before applying for citizenship, you must apply for permanent residence and have already lived in the country for 5 years. However, the process may take several years to complete.
- The authorities will demand information about work and income. Therefore, applying for Qatari citizenship also depends on the type of work you do.
- Another thing you have to consider is about checking debts, if any. The Qatari authorities may ask you if you have any debts before applying for citizenship.
- Knowledge of Arabic is another requirement for Qatari citizenship, even though English is widely spoken in the state.
It is important to clarify that in Qatar, citizenship of minor children of naturalized foreign citizens living outside Qatar is granted after 5 years of residence. A special decree should be issued on this matter.
Do you have to convert to Islam to get Qatari citizenship?
Another important condition is that although there is no specific requirement in the Qatari citizenship law, Qatar is an Islamic country and almost all its citizens are Muslims. If you are not a Muslim, conversion will be helpful for you when you apply for citizenship.
It is generally best to do this soon after entering the country, rather than waiting until you are eligible for citizenship. This gives you ample time to demonstrate your faith and commitment to Islam.
Islam is also the state religion of Qatar. If you are neither a Muslim nor a member of one of the 8 Christian denominations registered in the state, obtaining citizenship is unlikely.
Qatar is a promising country for expats, but the complexity of obtaining citizenship can be an obstacle for future residents, so most expats in Qatar live on the basis of a residence permit.
We will remind you! Qatar is a country with a strong economy that attracts expats from all over the world. However, the employment procedure here has certain peculiarities. We talked about Qatar's labor market, available vacancies, visa application features earlier.
Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld
To ensure a safe trip abroad, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations while traveling around the world.
Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:
Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Qatar;
Legal advice on business issues in Qatar;
Travel insurance for foreigners in Qatar;
Medical insurance around the world.
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