
Residence permit and citizenship in Finland: requirements, application procedure and current changes (as of October 2024)

Residence permit
Residence permit and citizenship in Finland: requirements, application procedure and current changes (as of October 2024)

Finland is a country of a thousand lakes, which attracts potential migrants. Expats come here because the country has a stable economy, developed medicine, a well-built education system, incredible nature and high levels of population happiness. Find out what is required to apply for a residence permit in Finland and what is the procedure for obtaining citizenship in 2024

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Order an insurance policy for safe travel, stay or work abroad

Finland is a country in Northern Europe that is a promising destination for expats, as it offers an ideal work-life balance and also has a strong social sphere. The state's favorable migration policy attracts representatives of various countries, including citizens of Cameroon, Nepal and Kenya.

Read this article about the features of obtaining a residence permit and the procedure for obtaining Finnish citizenship.

Residence permit in Finland

A Finnish residence permit is a document issued to foreigners who want to move to Finland to live and work in the country.

Finnish residence permits are divided depending on the duration and reasons for which the applicant applied for the document.

- Permits are divided into:

1. A fixed-term permit is a permit that is issued for a specific period of time (temporary - it is usually valid for a year and must be renewed every year; continuous permit - this permit is valid for four years and you can renew it every four years).

2. Permanent permit - is valid for an unlimited time, unless you wish to cancel your residence permit or you have violated the rules for obtaining a permit and your document has been canceled.

- According to the grounds for registration:

1. For work - You must have a valid employment contract to obtain this type of permit.

2. For studies – a student residence permit is valid for two years, if your study lasts less than two years, your permit will only be valid for the duration of your program.

3. Based on family ties – issued to persons whose family members live in Finland (spouse, registered partner, child or legal guardian).

4. Residence permit on other grounds, for example, to move with the intention of marrying a Finnish citizen.

5. On the basis of reimmigration - you can apply for this permit if you were previously a citizen of Finland by birth or naturalization and want to return to Finland.

6. Permanent residence in the EU - this type of permanent residence is granted to residents who have lived in Finland for 5 years under a continuous permit, and the current conditions under which the continuous permit was issued are still valid.

7. EU Blue Card – for residence of highly educated workers from outside the European Union.

Pros and cons of living in Finland, cost of living and useful information for expats in this article.

How to apply for a residence permit in Finland?

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Finland includes the following stages:

1. Fill out the questionnaire.

If you want to apply for a residence permit, you can apply online through the e-services portal.

2. Prepare the documents.

Before applying, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary documents. These include passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, adoption documents, health insurance, etc.

3. Visit a local Finnish mission.

After you have applied online, you must appear at the embassy or consulate in your country to confirm your identity and be fingerprinted. You must have copies of all documents with you.

5. Wait for the decision.

Application processing time can take from 6 to 9 months.

6. Move to Finland.

Approximately 3 weeks after the announcement of the decision, your residence card will be sent to the local office, where you can pick it up and leave for Finland.

List of documents for obtaining a residence permit in Finland

- A valid passport that does not expire.

- A recent ID photo, not older than six months.

- Copy of passport.

- A copy of a family member's passport (when you apply for a permit to reunite with a family member).

- Civil documents – birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, adoption documents, foster family documents, family certificates, etc.

- Proof of residence - you must provide a document confirming that you legally reside at your current residence.

- Proof of financial stability – You must provide proof that you can support yourself during your stay in Finland.

- Confirmation of enrollment at the university (for student permits).

- Employment contract (work permit).

- Other documents that may be requested by the embassy depending on the purpose of the trip to Finland.

In order to safely move, travel or work in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can issue an extended policy on our website using the link.

When can I apply for a permanent residence permit?

You can only apply for a permanent residence permit after you have lived in Finland for five years on a continuous category A permit.

The five-year period is counted from the first day of obtaining a category A permit.

If you have had a continuous permit since the first day of your entry to Finland, your period of residence is counted from that day.

Advantages of a permanent residence permit

Permanent residents have almost the same rights as Finnish citizens. Therefore, the preparation of this document provides the following advantages:

1. Unlimited access to the labor market.

2. Medical and social insurance: kindergarten, family doctor, services for the disabled, drug services, dental care, pregnancy and childbirth.

3. Freedom of travel to 189 countries.

4. Access to free education.

5. The right to transport family members to Finland.

6. The right to a pension.

How to get Finnish citizenship?

Finnish citizenship can be obtained automatically or by declaration or naturalization.

1. Automatically – the child acquires citizenship at birth from Finnish parents.

2. By means of a declaration – persons who belong to one of the following categories can receive a Finnish passport based on an application:

- a child born abroad to Finnish parents;

- a child between the ages of 12 and 17, adopted by Finnish citizens;

- former citizen of Finland;

- citizens of Northern Europe: Denmark, Sweden, Iceland or Norway;

- a young person between the ages of 18 and 22 who was born abroad and lived in Finland for 10 years or who was born in Finland and lived in the country for 6 years.

3. Through naturalization

 In this way, citizenship can be granted to foreigners who meet a certain number of requirements:

- did not violate the laws of the country;

- have lived in Finland for a certain period of time on the basis of a permanent residence permit;

- defend the country's democratic values;

- have a fixed income not lower than the subsistence minimum established in Finland;

- have no unpaid taxes and fines;

- own real estate or rent housing in Finland;

- know Finnish or Swedish at B1 level or can speak Finnish-Swedish sign language.

Most often, Finnish citizenship is obtained through naturalization.

Obtaining a tax card is an important part of the employment of foreign workers in Finland. Read in this article what types of tax cards there are, how to apply for one, how to renew a tax card in Finland and other important nuances.

What rules for obtaining citizenship did Finland introduce in October 2024?

From October 1, 2024, Finland introduced new rules regarding the procedure for obtaining citizenship by naturalization:

1. Increased the required period of residence to eight years to facilitate successful integration into Finnish society. Previously, foreigners could apply for citizenship after 6 years of residence in the country.

2. More loyal conditions for foreigners who know the Finnish language

Applicants who demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge of the language may benefit from a reduced period of residence. Instead of waiting eight years, those who meet the language requirements will be eligible to apply for citizenship after five years of residence, underscoring the importance of language for integration.

3. Approved requirement for a valid residence permit

Under the new rules, only time spent in Finland with a valid residence permit will count towards the required period of residence. For example, the waiting period for receiving asylum will no longer be included in the calculation for obtaining citizenship.

4. Restrictions on the time of stay abroad

Applicants can spend up to 365 days outside of Finland during the period of residence. However, only 90 of these days can be in the year immediately preceding the citizenship decision.

Finland's new citizenship procedure, which will come into force from October 2024, aims to simplify the naturalization process for integrated expats, as with expanded residency requirements and an emphasis on language skills, the changes prioritize fairness and transparency for all applicants, although the residency period for naturalization procedure was increased.

We will remind you! Finland is known as a safe country that values ​​a healthy work-life balance and offers excellent opportunities for foreign workers. We have already told you what it takes to get a job here in 2024.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe move to a new country, I advise you to consult a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with a legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents for Finland;

Legal advice on immigration to Finland;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Finland;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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