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There are no COVID restrictionsAdmission to Belarusian universities for foreign students who can enter Belarus visa-free
Admission to Belarusian universities for foreign students who can enter Belarus under the visa regime
How to obtain a temporary registration for the study period?
For admission to Belarusian institutions of higher education, foreign applicants from visa-free countries must:
1. Collect a set of documents:
● Education documents with a supplement and a notarized translation into Russian
● Medical opinion on the state of health - certificate - in 086/h form with translation into Russian. (The medical opinion is valid for 6 months)
● HIV test certificate with translation into Russian. (The medical certificate is valid for 6 months)
● A copy of the passport which is valid for the study period, with translation into Russian
● A copy of the birth certificate with translation into Russian (for minors)
● 6 photos sized 3x4
2. Arrive in the Republic of Belarus during the period of the entrance interviews (mid-August - mid-October)
3. Submit an application for study and other necessary documents to the university
4. Pass the interview
5. Sign the study contract
6. Pay tuition
7. Pass a mandatory medical examination
8. Purchase health insurance (if needed)
9. Make a temporary registration for the period of study
For admission to Belarusian institutions of higher education, foreign applicants from countries, for which the visa regime is in place, must:
1. Receive an invitation to study. To do this, you need to submit an application and accompanying documents to the university of your choice. After that, the university will review your package of documents and issue an invitation to study.
2. Next, the foreign applicant must obtain a study visa at the consular mission of the Republic of Belarus at the place of residence. If there is no diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Belarus in your country, you can get a visa upon arrival at Minsk National Airport.
3. After arriving in the Republic of Belarus, the applicant undergoes the following procedure for admission to the university:
● Submitting an application and providing the originals of the necessary documents to the university
● Passing an interview at the university
● Signing the study contract
● Tuition fees payment
● Completion of a mandatory medical examination
● Purchase of health insurance (if necessary)
● Issuance of temporary registration for the period of study
After signing the study contract and issuance of the university admission order, you must receive a temporary registration (temporary residence permit) for the period of your stay in the Republic of Belarus.
For this, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the university:
● Completed questionnaire
● Foreign passport (and visa - if available)
● Migration card
● 3 photos
● Medical insurance
● Receipts of payment of the state registration duty
Please note that foreigners who have arrived in the Republic of Belarus must check in within ten days with the registration authority at the place of their actual temporary stay after arriving in the Republic of Belarus.
Failure to register is a violation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, and therefore a foreign citizen may be subject to administrative penalty or deportation.
Detailed information about the rules of stay of foreign citizens in the Republic of Belarus will be provided to you at the university or at the International Relations Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
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