
New Zealand's new temporary visa and simplified migration requirements for certain categories of workers: what will change for expats from 1 October 2024?

New Zealand
New Zealand's new temporary visa and simplified migration requirements for certain categories of workers: what will change for expats from 1 October 2024?

In 2024, New Zealand introduced a number of important changes to visa and migration policies. Find out what these changes are, what categories of permits are affected by the innovation and who should be prepared for the new rules

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In the last few months, New Zealand has been working quite actively on changes to its migration legislation. In particular, visa rules for certain categories of foreigners were simplified in the country, and a new temporary visa was also approved. All these innovations will come into effect on October 1, 2024.

New Zealand raises visa fees

The New Zealand government has announced a significant increase in visa fees and fees, which will take effect from 1 October 2024. This adjustment will affect almost all visa categories, as the government seeks to more closely align tariffs with actual visa processing costs.

1. The cost of a student visa will increase from NZ$300 (US$180) to NZ$485 (US$290). The fee for student visas will also increase from NZ$95 ($57) to NZ$265.

2. The post-study work visa fee will be reduced from NZ$490 ($295) to NZ$320 ($195). However, this reduction comes with a significant increase in the immigration fee from NZ$210 (US$126) to NZ$1,350 (US$820).

3. The cost of obtaining an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) will be slightly reduced from NZ$540 to NZ$480. However, in this case, the immigration fee will also increase significantly from NZ$210 to NZ$1060.

Migrants who graduate from schools will receive the right to work

Foreign graduates of New Zealand schools who are awaiting the outcome of their application for a New Zealand residence visa will be eligible for employment.

This category of foreigners will be able to work:

- From February 1 to November 30 – 20 hours per week and from December 1 to January 31 – 40 hours per week.

To get a permit, you must meet a number of requirements - be eligible to apply for a visa for children of an employee or a visa for visitors to New Zealand.

New temporary visa for seasonal workers

During the peak season, New Zealand experiences an acute shortage of workers, which is why the government has introduced a new temporary visa for seasonal workers.

It can be obtained by specialists applying for positions in the fields of agriculture, tourism, etc.

This temporary visa will be issued for up to nine months and applications must be submitted no later than May 31, 2025.

The government is also considering introducing a long-term visa for seasonal workers.

The quota for seasonal workers has been increased

In addition to simplifying migration legislation, the quota for this category of expats was also increased. More specifically, the maximum number of RSEs will increase by 1,250, meaning more foreign seasonal workers will be allowed to come to New Zealand in the 2024/25 season.

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

For which categories of migrants was the migration legislation simplified?

- Spouses of foreign students

In August 2024, New Zealand decided to simplify work visa requirements for spouses of certain categories of international students. In particular, spouses of students studying for a level 7 or 8 qualification according to the Green List can apply for a work visa with open conditions.

- Foreign teachers of secondary schools

New Zealand has also relaxed visa rules for foreign secondary school teachers due to the lack of specialists in this sector.

From 1 May 2024, the government moved school teachers to the Straight to Residence program on the Green List of in-demand occupations, making it easier for this category to obtain a New Zealand residence permit.

For which categories of migrants will the migration requirements become stricter?

- Stricter rules for low-skilled migrant workers

To further regulate the employment of migrant workers, the government introduced new requirements for the permit procedure. A notable change is the mandatory English language test for migrants applying for low-skilled jobs (ANZSCO Levels 4 and 5).

In addition, there will be a minimum skill and experience threshold for most AEWV positions.

- The maximum term of stay for low-skilled positions has been reduced

Another important update is the reduction of maximum continuous tenure for most ANZSCO Level 4 and 5 positions. Previously, migrants could stay in these positions for up to five years, but under the new rules, this period will be reduced to three years.

- Limiting the possibilities of sponsoring family members

Those who hold an AEWV for occupations at levels 4 and 5 of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Occupational Classification (ANZSCO) and are not entitled to residence can no longer sponsor work, visitor or student visa applications for their resident partners and children dependent

However, this policy will not affect those who already have visas as partners, dependent children or certain other categories.

Electronic entry permit for passengers and crew of cargo vessels

Crew and passengers on foreign cargo ships wishing to enter New Zealand from 1 April 2025 will be required to obtain a New Zealand Permit (NZeTA).

The policy also applies to the crew of foreign vessels authorized by New Zealand to carry coastal cargo.

In general, New Zealand actively fights against excessive migration and tries to balance the number of foreign professionals in the country and the demands of the labor market.

Read the latest news from the world of travel and migration on the Visit World portal.

We will remind you! The Pay As You Go program is an Australian tax system that allows you to pay income tax gradually throughout the year, rather than just at the end of the financial year. We have already talked about the procedure for registering in the PAYG program in Australia in 2024.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe move to a new country, I advise you to consult a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with a legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in New Zealand;

Legal advice on immigration to New Zealand;

Travel insurance for foreigners in New Zealand;

Medical insurance all over the world.



Why did New Zealand introduce changes to migration legislation?

The new rules aim to streamline the visa application process and align it more closely with the country's economic and immigration priorities.

Is it hard to get a New Zealand visa?

New Zealand tightened visa rules for migrants?

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