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Expats German citizenship can now be obtained faster: a new procedure has already started in Germany

German citizenship can now be obtained faster: a new procedure has already started in Germany

At the beginning of 2024, the German Parliament adopted a new law on citizenship, which greatly simplifies the naturalization procedure in the country. The other day, the document came into force. Find out how the procedure for acquiring a German passport has changed and who may be denied German citizenship in 2024

02 Jul. 2024

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Travels China extends visa-free regime for Poland to 11 other EU countries

China extends visa-free regime for Poland to 11 other EU countries

The Chinese government is introducing a visa-free regime for 11 European countries to revive the tourism industry. Poland joined this list on July 1. Learn more about the conditions of visa-free travel to China

02 Jul. 2024

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Work Jobs for doctors and nurses in the EU: European countries simplify immigration rules due to staff shortages

Jobs for doctors and nurses in the EU: European countries simplify immigration rules due to staff shortages

The European healthcare system is currently experiencing an acute shortage of doctors and medical personnel. To overcome the difficulties, some states have simplified immigration requirements to attract specialists from abroad. Find out which countries are most in need of specialists in 2024

01 Jul. 2024

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Travels The most dangerous countries in the world to visit in 2024: ranking by Independent

The most dangerous countries in the world to visit in 2024: ranking by Independent

The Independent recently released a new ranking of the most dangerous countries for tourists in 2024. The ranking was based on the results of a study that evaluated countries by several parameters: health, security, climate change, etc. Learn more about the most dangerous countries to visit in 2024

01 Jul. 2024

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Residence permit Moving to Nicaragua in 2024: visa, citizenship and other important details

Moving to Nicaragua in 2024: visa, citizenship and other important details

Nicaragua is a country in Central America that offers foreigners quite interesting programs for obtaining a second residence permit. Although it is one of the poorest countries in the region, it is endowed with unlimited natural resources and golden sandy beaches. Learn more about the specifics of moving to Nicaragua in 2024

01 Jul. 2024

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Employment The Italian government has simplified the rules for applying for an EU Blue Card: important details

The Italian government has simplified the rules for applying for an EU Blue Card: important details

Italy has simplified the rules for obtaining an EU Blue Card, now applications can be submitted online. Find out more about how the new rules will affect highly skilled foreign workers in Italy

30 Jun. 2024

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Travels The most common mistakes when applying for a Schengen visa in 2024

The most common mistakes when applying for a Schengen visa in 2024

Summer is the perfect time for exciting travels in Europe! Obtaining a Schengen visa is the first step on the way to fun and new experiences. Learn more about the most common mistakes to avoid when applying for a Schengen visa

29 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Blog 13 life hacks that will make your plane trip as comfortable and cheap as possible

13 life hacks that will make your plane trip as comfortable and cheap as possible

Every day, there are approximately 100,000 flights worldwide, carrying millions of passengers. However, traveling by plane requires special preparation. Find out how to make your next flight as comfortable as possible

28 Jun. 2024

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