Immigration to Peru

Life in Peru is a vibrant mosaic of cultures, traditions and landscapes that captivate the senses and nourish the soul. From the bustling streets of Lima to the serene beauty of the Andes and the Amazon rainforest, the country offers a diverse and enriching experience for locals and newcomers alike.

The warmth of Peruvian hospitality is evident in every interaction, making immigrants feel welcome and integrated into the local community. The country's rich history and cultural diversity create a harmonious environment where diversity is valued.

The cost of living in Peru is generally lower than in many Western countries, offering attractive prospects for those seeking an affordable yet fulfilling life. Combined with the country's breathtaking natural beauty, this makes it an ideal destination for expats looking for a balanced lifestyle.

Language plays a crucial role in everyday life as Spanish is the main language of communication. Learning the language not only facilitates communication, but also helps to build deeper ties with the locals and enhances cultural immersion.

The combination of ancient traditions and modern progress in Peru creates a unique environment where life is an adventure waiting to happen. Whether it's the cultural festivals, archaeological sites or the simple joys of everyday socializing that draw you in, Peru offers a vibrant canvas for an enriching life journey.

Are you planning to migrate to Peru? Here you will find useful and interesting information necessary for a comfortable move to this country.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable move to Peru:

Legal advice on entry and immigration to Peru;

Health insurance for foreigners to Peru.

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Useful  information

Life in the country


Average cost of living


Pros and cons of living in the country


The best cities to live in


Tips for successful immigration



- Rich Culture and History: Peru boasts a rich cultural heritage, with ancient civilizations like the Inca leaving a lasting impact on the country's history.

- Diverse Geography: Peru offers diverse landscapes, from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon Rainforest and the Pacific Coast, providing a variety of outdoor activities.

- Affordable Living: Compared to many Western countries, the cost of living in Peru can be more affordable, especially in terms of housing and daily expenses.

- Culinary Delights: Peru is renowned for its delicious and diverse cuisine, with dishes like ceviche, lomo saltado, and traditional Peruvian desserts.

- Friendly Locals: Peruvians are generally known for their friendliness and hospitality towards foreigners.


- Bureaucracy: Dealing with bureaucracy and administrative processes may be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating.

- Traffic and Infrastructure: In major cities, traffic congestion can be an issue, and infrastructure in some areas may not be as developed as in other countries.

- Safety Concerns: Crime rates, particularly in urban areas, can be a concern, and expats should take precautions to ensure their safety.

- Altitude Challenges: Some areas in Peru, especially in the Andes, are at high altitudes, and newcomers may need time to acclimate to the changes in elevation.

- Limited Job Market for Non-Spanish Speakers: Fluency in Spanish is often a requirement for many job opportunities, limiting options for those who do not speak the language.

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