
Features of employment in China: demanded vacancies and working conditions

Features of employment in China: demanded vacancies and working conditions

Economics of China confidently holds the top place in the world’s ratings. And its wildly rapid industrialization and foreign economic relations development demand more involvement of foreign highly qualified specialists. Working in PRC opens vast financial and professional opportunities for employees from abroad. 

What are the most demanded trades?

Chinese companies are highly interested in the following qualified pros:

  • IT-industry specialists;
  • engineers and construction activity professionals; 
  • economists; 
  • managers and administrators for decision-making positions;
  • bracketologists;
  • interpreters and English tutors.

There are also occupations for newbies and talented youngsters. For example:

  • nannies with a knowledge of English;
  • models, actors, musicians, and dancers;
  • entertainers and guides to the tourist regions. 

Labor conditions in China

Like the majority of Asian people, the Chinese are workaholics. This aspect should be taken into account by any specialist, who wants to work in China. 

Working hours: PRC’s law presumes an 8-hour working day and a 44-hour working week. Yet in the case of specific business needs this timing can be expanded.

Week-days and public holidays: by the local Labor Code employee must provide 1 week-day per week and day-off(s) due to public holiday(s). The latter is limited to 10 days a year. 

Foreigners don't have any special treatment as they work under general conditions. Yet qualified specialist from abroad earns 2-3 times more than Chinese worker with the same skill set. 

Steps to the official employment 

The specialist who wants to move and work in China must apply for a Z-type business visa. This document usually presumes no validation restrictions due to single entry into the country. Preparation for the application can be divided into several steps:

  • searching for a job opportunity, response to a job posting, and having a successful interview with the employer; 
  • getting a note of the work authorization (this is the only document that officially proves the employer's intention to hire you;
  • contracting with the employer. Important: the contract must be issued in Chinese or both in Chinese and English and all the pages of the document must be successively sealed. If this condition is not followed, the contract won’t have any legal validity;
  • сollecting and preparation of all relevant certs and|or diplomas along with their translation in Chinese: qualification confirmation, knowledge of Chinese at least on HSK-3 level, etc. Also, you might need a certificate that proves your knowledge of English according to the HSK/TOEFL standard;
  • аinal document pack collection and. The pack includes internal and ist o submissions to the Consulate. The pack includes a foreign passport and visa application. In some cases different types of medical certificates and certificates of non-conviction may be required;

Once a relevant visa is obtained, the foreigner is obliged to enter China within 90 days. And in the next 30 days, he/she must pass the legalization procedure. It requires the following papers: 

  • work permission;
  • residence permit;
  • social insurance card;
  • registration by place of residence.

Illegal employment in China: consequences

One can easily attract the attention of the authorities even if he/she has all the proper papers. For example, if your employer does not pay taxes on time you will be noticed and the consequences of your boss’s mischief will affect you directly. 

Still some employers tend to offer schemes like job seekers applying for tourist or business visas for entering China, and all other formalities will be dealt with once he/she arrives. Such offers indicate an employer’s malpractice and enhance one's risk to become an illegal employer. 

Mind it: foreigners which are found guilty of illegal entry, residence, or employment can be deported and prohibited to enter China within the next 5 years. Also, local law presumes 750-3000$ USD penalties along with detention to ascertain the circumstances for the 5 to 15 days period. 

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