
Healthcare system in Cambodia: medical services, insurance and types of treatment

Healthcare system in Cambodia: medical services, insurance and types of treatment

Cambodia's healthcare system is undergoing development and improvement. The quality of medical services here is low, so even local residents go to neighboring countries for treatment. Learn more about health insurance and types of treatment in Cambodia

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Order an insurance policy for safe travel to any part of the world

Cambodia is a country with a low quality of healthcare. Medical care in public hospitals is mostly free, but in practice it turns out that you have to pay for everything. There are pharmacies everywhere, but despite the low level of medicine, the prices of medicines are very high. 
In the villages, a paramedic or a healer is responsible for the health of the residents. Health insurance does not cover the basic costs of treatment, so it is important to have an international insurance policy. This is especially important for people with serious health problems, as it will even provide an opportunity to receive medical evacuation. 
Tourists and expats usually go to good private clinics where the quality of service is much better. Although health insurance is not mandatory in the country, it is necessary for your safety. 

In the previous article, we talked about the healthcare system in China, which is undergoing significant changes and is turning into a comprehensive network of medical services and facilities. 

Health status of the local population in Cambodia

The quality of healthcare in Cambodia is improving as its economy grows. The government prioritizes the healthcare system. Thanks to international assistance and support, there has been a significant improvement in the health status of the population since the 1980s. This is evidenced by an increase in life expectancy.
The health care reforms implemented in Cambodia in the 1990s successfully improved the health status of the population and put the country on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations. One of the key achievements was the Cambodia Health Fund, established in 2000. This fund, largely funded by the government, aims to expand access to free health care for about three million poor people.
The Health Fund covers travel expenses and even per diems for those who accompany the patient. This has contributed to an increase in the number of medical care requests among Cambodians who previously could not afford it. Thanks to such measures, the mortality rate has significantly decreased, and life expectancy at birth in 2010 reached 62.5 years, which is 1.6 times higher than in 1980.
Cambodia faces many health challenges, especially in rural areas. The main problems include the spread of tropical diseases and child malnutrition, which remains a serious problem. HIV emerged as a significant threat in 1998, but has since been almost contained.
According to the Human Rights Measurement Initiative, Cambodia fulfills 81.2% of its right to health obligations in line with its income level. In the context of the right to health of children, the country reaches 96.8% of the expected level, which is a significant achievement. However, for the adult population, the figure is only 89.7%, indicating that additional efforts are needed.
The situation with the right to reproductive health is particularly alarming. Cambodia fulfills only 57.1% of what is expected based on available resources. This puts the country in the “very poor” category, indicating significant gaps in the provision of health services in this area.
Despite these challenges, the country continues to work to improve the health status of the population. Attracting international assistance and domestic resources is key to the further development of the healthcare system in Cambodia, in particular to fight malnutrition, tropical diseases and improve reproductive health.

Planning a trip or move abroad? An important part of a successful trip is an insurance policy, as it guarantees high-quality medical care anywhere in the world and can protect you from unnecessary expenses while travelling. You can buy insurance from trusted agents on the Visit World portal. 

The healthcare system in Cambodia

The healthcare system in Cambodia is at a low level. There are two main sectors in the country: public and private. In public healthcare facilities, services are provided free of charge, but the quality of service leaves much to be desired. Therefore, people who can afford it turn to private clinics, where trust in specialists is higher. The cost of services in the private sector is relatively low, but even here it is rarely possible to get high-quality treatment.
There is an acute shortage of qualified medical professionals in the country. Many doctors are foreigners, and there is only one doctor for every 1,000 residents. The majority of pharmacies are concentrated in the capital and major cities, which creates certain difficulties for residents of remote areas in accessing the necessary medicines.
Cambodia's healthcare system pays special attention to pediatric medicine. The country has established many perinatal centers that provide European quality services for women in labor and their children. Thanks to this, children's healthcare in Cambodia is of a fairly high level.
The Cambodian Medical Association (CMA) is the responsible body for the registration and licensing of doctors. All doctors and healthcare professionals, both nationals and foreigners, are required to register with the CMA to obtain the right to practice medicine. These requirements apply to both the public and private sectors, and include healthcare professionals employed in administrative positions. Registration is mandatory regardless of how long the candidate plans to work in the country.

Learn more about the peculiarities of private and public healthcare in Cyprus in 2024.

Network of medical institutions in Cambodia

Medicine in the country is not yet well developed. There are no qualified personnel in hospitals. Therefore, even Cambodian citizens often travel to neighboring countries to receive medical services. Many local people, especially doctors, do not speak English. Therefore, you need to know the language of the country to communicate well.

There are several international medical institutions in Cambodia. The most popular ones are:
1. Royal Phnom Penh Hospital;
2. Sen Sok International University Hospital;
3. Sunrise Japan Hospital.

Almost all of these clinics have foreign owners. These clinics employ specialists who speak English, so there is a higher probability of finding a common language. The level of service is higher than in public hospitals and, accordingly, there are many qualified specialists.

Health insurance for foreigners in Cambodia

With insurance, you can choose inpatient treatment in case of illness. Such treatment allows you to stay in the hospital for 24 hours. The insurance should cover all expenses, but it all depends on the set limit for the policy. 
Another option is outpatient treatment. This type of treatment involves a short stay in a medical facility. This is possible when treating colds. If you are treating chronic diseases, then a daily consultation with a doctor will entail high costs. The cost of such a consultation will be $50. If additional examinations are required, the amount will double.
When choosing health insurance with the possibility of evacuation, due to the low level of medicine in Cambodia, you may be sent for treatment to Thailand or Vietnam. The cost of evacuation can cost up to $20,000. 
Dental services are also not cheap here. The cost of installing 4 crowns and root canal treatment will cost $240. This can also be included in the insurance. But dental treatment in Cambodia is of a fairly high standard. You can also have a pregnancy and give birth in clinics in the country. If you expect this, you should also indicate this in the insurance. Then the costs of these services will be covered by the insurance company.

When choosing a health insurance policy, you should pay attention to some points:
1. The annual limit of the insurer;
2. The list of risks that will be covered;
3. Possibility of evacuation (if necessary);
4. The cost of the pole.

The annual limit depends on the chosen program and ranges from $250,000 to $1,000,000.
It is worth paying special attention to what risks this policy can cover, as your health depends on it. Not every program can cover the cost of oncology treatment. Therefore, if you are traveling to a country to treat this disease, you need to take this into account.

Daria Rogova, Head of Insurance at Visit World

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Cambodia;

Legal advice on immigration to Cambodia;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Cambodia;

Medical insurance all over the world.

We monitor the accuracy and relevance of our information. Therefore, if you see any error or discrepancy, please write to our hotline.

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