Compulsory third-party liability insurance policy or MTPL policy is an insurance policy for vehicle owners in Ukraine. It is aimed at compensating for losses incurred by the victim during a road accident. The policy covers damage caused to the life, health and property of the accident participant.
Is it mandatory to have a compulsory MTPL policy?
According to Article 21 of the Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Owners of Land Vehicles”, when using a vehicle in road traffic, the person driving the vehicle is obliged to have a compulsory third-party liability insurance policy (motor vehicle liability insurance).
Representatives of the National Police control the availability of the policy for drivers.
In the absence of an insurance policy, the driver will be fined 425 hryvnias. If payment is not made within 15 days, the amount doubles, and the driver will be forced to pay 850 hryvnias.
What does the MTPL policy cover?
1. Damage to property - liability limit 250,000 hryvnias (per victim):
- damage or complete destruction of the vehicle;
- damage or destruction of roads, road structures, etc.;
- damage or destruction of the victim's property;
- costs of carrying out work necessary to rescue victims as a result of an accident;
- evacuation of the vehicle from the scene of the accident.
2. Damage to life and health of victims - liability limit 500,000 hryvnias (per victim):
- treatment of the victim;
- expenses related to temporary disability of the victim;
- insurance compensation in case of permanent disability;
- in case of death of the victim.
What does the MTPL policy not cover?
The motor vehicle insurance does not provide compensation for repairs to your own car, personal injuries to the driver, loss of property that was in the car, or damage caused by natural disasters. The motor vehicle insurance also does not cover theft of the vehicle, burglary and theft of property from the car.
Read more about how to apply for a MTPL insurance policy on the Visit World portal below.
Kup ubezpieczenie dla kierowców w Ukrainie
Często zadawane PYTANIA
Jakie dokumenty muszę mieć, aby uzyskać ubezpieczenie komunikacyjne OC online?
Aby złożyć wniosek o ubezpieczenie OC komunikacyjne online, należy posiadać ukraiński paszport lub prawo jazdy, paszport techniczny, numer identyfikacyjny oraz raport o stanie technicznym samochodu, jeśli pojazd podlega obowiązkowemu przeglądowi technicznemu.
Na jaki okres mogę wykupić ubezpieczenie OC komunikacyjne?
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Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli wprowadziłem nieprawidłowe informacje podczas składania wniosku o polisę ubezpieczeniową i już za nią zapłaciłem?
Kto może wykupić polisę OC?
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An electronic motor vehicle policy has the same legal force as a paper one. A policy issued online is instantly registered in the MTIBU database and does not require printing. If necessary, you can present the policy directly from the screen of your smartphone.
What are the advantages of the MTPL policy?
The MTPL policy compensates for losses to victims as a result of an accident. In other words, it covers the costs of the person at fault for the accident.
If the driver does not have this document, then in the event of an accident he will have to pay all the losses personally, as well as pay a fine for not having an insurance policy.
For what period can a motor vehicle policy be issued?
The term of validity of the MTPL policy is 1 year.
The MTPL policy contract comes into force from the date indicated in the document as the start of this Agreement.
List of documents for issuing a motor vehicle insurance policy in Ukraine
- Driver's license or passport of the insured.
- Technical passport of the vehicle.
- Certificate of the insured's TIN.
- If the insured is a beneficiary (pensioner, participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl NPP) - confirmation of the availability of the benefit.
What does the price of motor vehicle insurance depend on?
The cost of an insurance policy on the Visit World website is formed taking into account a number of factors, including:
1. Region of registration of the vehicle;
2. Type of vehicle and its engine power (insurance is available for cars and trucks, electric cars, buses and motorcycles).
The cost of a civil car insurance policy can vary from 500 UAH (for motorcycles) to 6000 UAH (for trucks). The price of motor vehicle insurance for cars ranges from 1700 UAH to 4000 UAH.
What is the deductible in a motor vehicle policy?
The cost of the policy depends on the amount of the deductible.
The deductible is the amount of money that, in the event of an insured event, if property damage occurs, the Insured (client) compensates the injured party.
The amount of the deductible is from 3200 hryvnias to 0 hryvnias.
How to insure a car online against additional risks?
Civil liability insurance is mandatory auto insurance, but it does not cover repairs to your car in the event of an accident and does not provide compensation for the destruction of the vehicle due to natural disasters or military actions. To get additional protection for your car, we recommend purchasing Mini CASCO - voluntary auto insurance at an affordable price that covers the most common risks, including passive risks of war. On the Visit World website, you can choose the necessary coverage package and insurance term, and get ready-made insurance in 5 minutes.
Visit World – car insurance from a reliable agent in just a few minutes!
Visit World offers fast and convenient online car insurance. We cooperate only with proven insurance companies, guaranteeing reliability and transparency of insurance. Our service allows you to receive an official insurance policy to your mail in a matter of minutes without unnecessary hassle.
How to buy a MTPL policy online on the Visit World website?
You only need a few minutes of free time to apply for insurance on the Visit World website. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Select the citizenship “Ukraine” and the country of destination (Ukraine).
2. Click the “Buy” button to take out an insurance policy for 1 year.
3. Specify the state number of the vehicle and put a “tick” if you have benefits for the insurance policy - the system will automatically find your car by the state number.
4. Specify the policy start date and choose an offer from an insurance company that meets your needs.
5. Fill in the form with the data about the policyholder and the car.
6. Confirm the data and agree to the terms of the contract.
7. Pay for the policy in a way convenient for you and receive electronic insurance by email.
If the system does not find your car, you can fill in the information manually. To do this, specify the type of vehicle, engine size and place of registration (residence) of the owner.
Available payment methods
You can pay for insurance online:
- With a bank card of any bank in the world: Visa or Mastercard
- Through payment systems: Apple Pay, Google Pay and American Express
- Using installment payments via WayForPay: Monobank, PrivatBank, A-bank.
Important! The Visit World payment system is secure, all data of our customers is reliably protected and confidential.
What are the advantages of issuing a MTPL policy on the Visit World portal?
- Fair market rates that guarantee payments.
- A single pricing policy with service station partners that guarantees the restoration of the victim's car.
- The ability to conclude an agreement with a franchise of 0.00 hryvnias.
- One of the best in Ukraine Contact Center that provides information support.
- One of the best settlements in Ukraine that guarantees protection of the budget of the Insured/At fault in a road accident.
Do not postpone the issue of the safety of your vehicle. Apply for a car insurance policy at Visit World – your reliable partner in the world of car insurance.
Follow the link to buy a MTPL insurance policy or contact our support service via the form on the website or messenger (WhatsApp or Telegram). Our managers will answer all your questions and help you apply for the appropriate insurance policy for your car.
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