Ubezpieczenie medyczne w Ukrainie

Medical insurance is widespread abroad. For example, most of the population of Europe receives medical services at the expense of insurance companies. This trend is also quite popular in other countries of the world. However, Ukrainians are not used to insurance medicine, so it is extremely difficult to prove the need to issue an insurance package. However, given the numerous advantages of the document, the number of people wishing to purchase a policy is increasing every year.

What is medical insurance for Ukrainians in Ukraine?

Voluntary medical insurance in Ukraine is one of the types of personal insurance in the state. If you have voluntary medical insurance, then in the event of illness, the insurance company will compensate you for the costs of treatment. Considering that the cost of medical services increases every year, the insurance will allow you to minimize any health expenses, and an illness or accident will not hit your pocket hard.

What risks does health insurance cover?

The insured person can receive money if he gets sick, temporarily loses his ability to work, is diagnosed with disability, etc. There is also extended life insurance, which covers expenses in the event of the death of the insured person.

What are the advantages of voluntary health insurance in Ukraine?

Depending on the chosen insurance policy, you can get many advantages of voluntary health insurance in Ukraine:

- Compensation of expenses in case of illness or accident.

- Emergency medical care 24/7 in any corner of Ukraine.

- Online support of qualified consultants.

- Doctor's consultation and diagnostics in medical institutions without queues.

- Easy registration - online in a few minutes.

The “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” policy from Visit World is your reliable assistant that will help you get quality medical care and save significantly.

Read more about the “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” service on the Visit World portal and how to purchase a policy below.


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Wybierz ubezpieczenie według miejsca docelowego

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Czy mogę wykupić ubezpieczenie zdrowotne podczas pobytu za granicą?

Tak, obywatele Ukrainy przebywający za granicą mogą wykupić polisę ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego. Procedura wystawienia polisy jest standardowa, a płatności można dokonać online za pomocą karty z dowolnego miejsca na świecie, w którym znajduje się obywatel.

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Co zrobić w przypadku zdarzenia objętego ubezpieczeniem?

Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli wprowadziłem nieprawidłowe informacje podczas składania wniosku o polisę ubezpieczeniową i już za nią zapłaciłem?

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Co mówią o nas nasi klienci?

Artykuły o ubezpieczeniach

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Voluntary medical insurance covers many risks and can save a lot of money for every Ukrainian, the main thing is to choose a reliable insurance agent.

What does the “Medical insurance in Ukraine” program include on the Visit World portal?

The comprehensive program “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” from Visit World will protect you from the following risks:

- Illness or accident.

- Treatment of acute diseases (including Covid-19).

- Chronic disease in the acute stage.

- Injuries, burns, poisoning and other consequences of accidents that occurred during the validity of the insurance contract.

- Medical care.

- Consultation (examination) of a dentist, relief of acute pain.

- Urgent hospitalization in a specialized department.

- Conservative and surgical treatment, including using endoscopic methods and anesthesia.

- All diagnostic (laboratory and instrumental) examinations of any complexity prescribed by a doctor.

- Conducting medical procedures and manipulations with disposable instruments.

- Intensive therapy, full resuscitation.

- Issuance of sick leave.

- Food is standard for a hospital.

- Rehabilitation measures during hospitalization and after discharge from the hospital.

How to purchase a “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” policy on the Visit World portal?

You can purchase a “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” policy on the Visit World portal as quickly and easily as possible:

Stage 1 – Visit the “Insurance” page and select the “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” section.

Stage 2 – In the form, select “destination country – Ukraine” and “country of citizenship – Ukraine”, click the “Search” button.

Stage 3 – The system will offer an available tariff, read the terms and conditions and click the “Purchase” button.

Stage 4 – Enter your date of birth and the contract validity period, click “Next step”.

Stage 5 – Fill in your contact information (Name, surname, email address, phone number, country of citizenship, destination country, etc.).

Step 6 – Check whether the information you have entered is correct, consent to the processing of personal data and read the terms of the agreement. Confirm all actions and click “Continue”.

Step 7 – A verification code will be sent to your email address, enter it in the window that appears.

Step 8 – Pay for the insurance policy in a way convenient for you.

Step 9 – A few minutes after payment, the insurance policy will be sent to your email address.

What is the validity period of the health insurance policy in Ukraine on the Visit World portal and the conditions?

The voluntary health insurance policy for Ukrainians in Ukraine is valid for 1 year.

The policy is valid for persons aged 18 to 60 years.

How much does a health insurance policy in Ukraine cost on the Visit World portal and how to pay for it?

The cost of the “Medical Insurance in Ukraine” policy is 4,500 hryvnias per year.

There are no hidden fees or unforeseen surcharges on our portal. The exact amount can be seen immediately when applying for insurance.

You can pay for a consultation online, the following methods are available:

- Bank card of any bank in the world: Visa or Mastercard.

- Through payment systems: Apple Pay, Google Pay and American Express.

Important! The Visit World payment system is secure, all data of our customers is reliably protected and confidential.

Why is it worth buying health insurance on the Visit World portal?

You can buy reliable insurance from a trusted insurance agent on the Visit World portal. The policy has many additional advantages: support from consultants, a wide range of risks, a guarantee of payments, online payment, etc.

Medical insurance in Ukraine from Visit World is a reliable assistant for Ukrainians. You can purchase a policy via the link or contact our support service via the form on the website or a messenger convenient for you (Telegram, WhatsApp).

Your health is in safe hands with insurance from Visit World!