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Insurance policy is requiredTemporary residence permit
Permanent residence permit
Foreigners and stateless persons have the right to enter and legally stay in Ukraine if they have a temporary or permanent residence permit that has expired or is subject to exchange after 24 February 2022.
This rule will be valid during martial law and for 30 days after its termination or cancellation.
Note: The new rules do not apply to citizens of the Russian Federation. In the absence of a valid document, Russians must apply for a visa to Ukraine.
We remind you that foreigners who have a permanent or temporary residence permit in Ukraine can add this document to their smartphone.
Watch the video instruction on how to add a residence permit to the Diia mobile application.
The grounds for issuing a temporary residence permit are the following:
- a foreigner and a stateless person is the founder and/or participant, and/or beneficial owner (controller) of a legal entity whose data is entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations;
- the size of the ownership share of a foreigner or a stateless person, or a foreign legal entity of which he is a beneficiary (controller), in the authorized capital of a Ukrainian legal entity is at least 100,000 euros at the official exchange rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine on the date of making the foreign investment.
- foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying and received a temporary residence permit are considered to be legally staying in the territory of Ukraine for the period of study.
- foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of family reunification with persons who are citizens of Ukraine, or entered into marriage with citizens of Ukraine during their stay in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds and received a temporary residence permit, are considered to be legally staying in the territory of Ukraine for the period before obtaining an immigration permit;
- foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of family reunification with the persons specified in parts two to thirteen of this article and received a temporary residence permit are considered to be legally present on the territory of Ukraine.
- foreigners and stateless persons who provided instructional (shooting, tactical, medical, radio-technical, explosive and other) assistance to units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, special law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, involved in the anti-terrorist operation, being directly in the areas of its implementation, and/or involved in the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repelling and deterring armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, being directly in the areas of their implementation, or volunteer formations that were were formed or self-organized to protect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and, together with the above-mentioned units, took a direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its implementation, being directly in the areas of the anti-terrorist operation during the period of its implementation, as well as those who participated in the performance of combat or service tasks of the anti-terrorist operation and/or measures to ensure the national security and defense, repel and deter armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions together with the above-mentioned units and volunteer formations and received a temporary residence permit, are considered to be in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, including in cases where the validity of the passport document has expired or it is subject to exchange, until the end of the temporary occupation of the territory of Ukraine by the Russian Federation within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine" On the Peculiarities of the State Policy to Ensure the State Sovereignty of Ukraine in the Temporarily Occupied Territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions".
Where to apply
Applications for the issuance of permits are submitted by foreigners and stateless persons who are legally present in the territory of Ukraine to the territorial body of the State Migration Service or a center for the provision of administrative services at the place of residence of the foreigner or stateless person.
Documents required
For issuance of a temporary residence permit, a foreigner or stateless person submits:
- a passport document of a foreigner or a document certifying a stateless person with a type D visa, unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation and international treaties of Ukraine (returned after the presentation, a copy is attached),
- a document certifying the identity of a legal representative and a document confirming the authority of a person as a legal representative (in the case of submission of documents by a legal representative) (original documents are returned after the presentation, copies are submitted);
- a translation into Ukrainian of the page of a foreigner's passport or a document certifying a stateless person with personal data, certified in accordance with the procedure established by law;
- a valid health insurance policy for the entire period of validity of the permit and its copy;
- a document confirming the payment of the administrative fee, or a document on exemption from its payment (the original is returned after presentation, a copy is submitted).
Detailed information can be found on the website of the State Migration Service.
Application consideration period
The permit is issued within 15 working days from the date of acceptance of documents from a foreigner or stateless person.
The validity period of a temporary residence permit in Ukraine
A temporary residence permit is issued for one year with the possibility of exchange
A permanent residence permit is a document of the prescribed format that certifies the right of a foreigner to reside legally and permanently in the territory of Ukraine. In the presence of such a document, a foreigner can enjoy almost all the legally defined rights and obligations of a citizen of Ukraine.
The procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine
- Legally stay in Ukraine (it is desirable to obtain a type D visa beforehand);
- Get an immigration permit;
- Collect a package of documents for obtaining a permit and submit it to the migration service authorities;
- Get registered by place of residence in Ukraine.
You can get a permanent permit by contacting the territorial office of the migration service with the necessary documents and if the specified conditions are met. Completion of all stages can take from 6 to 8 months.
Grounds for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine
The law defined two main groups of persons who have the opportunity to obtain a permanent residence permit for a foreigner in Ukraine. The first one includes those with quotas, and the second includes immigrants without a quota.
The first group
- Representatives of culture.
- Highly qualified specialists.
- Persons who have invested at least one hundred thousand US dollars in Ukraine.
- Citizen's relatives.
- Husband and children under the age of eighteen of a person who received a permanent residence permit.
- Refugees, three years after receiving asylum.
In addition to persons to whom immigration permission is granted within the established quota, there are grounds in the presence of which a permanent residence permit is not limited by the quota.
The second group
- a marriage with a citizen of Ukraine that has lasted two or more years;
- relatives of the first generation who are Ukrainian citizens;
- the Ukrainian diaspora or foreigners with confirmed roots in our country (Ukrainians abroad);
- persons who territorially come from Ukraine;
- foreign guardians or custodians who can documentally confirm the care or guardianship of citizens of Ukraine;
- foreigners whose stay in the territory of Ukraine is important for the foreign and domestic policy of Ukraine.
Documents for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine
- application in the form established by law;
- passport (original for presentation);
- notarized translation of the passport page where information about the person is indicated;
- immigration permit;
- a receipt of payment of the state duty;
- 4 photos measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm with a matte background.
The verification of the submitted documents will continue during the 1st week, as a result of which a decision is made whether to grant or refuse a permanent residence permit.
Detailed information can be found on the website of the State Migration Service.
Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship is possible in several ways:
- Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by birth
- Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin
- Admission to Ukrainian citizenship
- Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by children as a result of the adoption
- Acquisition of citizenship as a result of the establishment of guardianship over a child
- Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by a person recognized by the court as incapacitated, as a result of establishing the guardianship of a citizen of Ukraine over him/her
- Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by a child in connection with the stay in Ukrainian citizenship of its parents or one of them
- Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship as a result of the recognition of paternity or maternity or establishment of the fact of paternity or maternity
Issuance of a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine
Applications and other documents on citizenship issues are submitted by:
- a person residing in Ukraine on legal grounds - to the territorial division of the State Migration Service of Ukraine at the person's place of residence in Ukraine;
- a person who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine - to the territorial division of the State Migration Service of Ukraine at the place of registration of the person;
- a person permanently residing abroad - to the diplomatic or consular mission of Ukraine at the place of permanent residence of the person.
The applicant submits the application and other citizenship documents in person.
If there are good reasons (illness of the applicant, natural disaster, etc.), the application and other documents related to citizenship may be submitted by another person or sent by mail at the request of the applicant.
The application and other documents related to the citizenship of an incapacitated person are submitted by his/her guardian.
The application and other documents on a child's citizenship are submitted by one of the child's parents or another legal representative at the place of residence of the child or one of his/her parents or another legal representative.
Registration of the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship is carried out exclusively at the initiative of a person. Acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by children aged 14 to 18 can only take place with their consent.
How to get the service?
- collect the necessary documents;
- apply to the territorial division of the State Migration Service of Ukraine at the place of residence of the child or one of his/her parents or another legal representative of the person;
- submit an application together with the necessary documents;
- obtain a certificate of registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine (which is the basis for issuing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine) in the territorial body or subdivision of the State Migration Service of Ukraine at the place of residence.
The cost of the service
There is no payment for the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship
Application submission
The application is submitted by one of the child's parents or the child's legal representative.
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