Travel to Yemen
At the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula is Yemen, a country with a rich historical, cultural and natural landscape. Despite the challenges of today, Yemen remains a place that attracts intrepid travelers seeking to discover its hidden treasures.
Yemen is a country of contrasts. The ancient city of Sana'a, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases intricate architecture with towering mud-brick skyscrapers that seem to grow out of the ground. Strolling through the lively streets of the Old Town, visitors can immerse themselves in a world frozen in time, where artisans still practice traditional crafts that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Outside the cities, Yemen offers a variety of landscapes, from the stunning terraced fields of Wadi Hadramawt to the pristine beaches along the coast. Adventurous travelers can explore the otherworldly island of Socotra, known for its unique flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth.
For history buffs, Yemen boasts a fascinating past, with ancient civilizations dating back to the Sabaean Kingdom. The legendary visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon is said to have taken place here. Ruined cities such as Marib and Shibam are a testament to the region's historical significance.
Yemeni cuisine is a true gourmet treat, offering a fusion of Arabic, African and Indian flavors. Taste flavorful dishes such as mandi, fajsa, and the famous Yemeni honey.
Are you planning to visit Yemen as a tourist? Here you can find travel rules for Yemen and other useful information about the country.
Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip to Yemen:
- Travel guide for obtaining a visa and other necessary documents for Yemen;
- Legal advice on entry and immigration to Yemen;
- Health insurance for foreigners to Yemen.
Select your citizenship to find out the rules of entry
Articles about Yemen
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