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3 min

Residence permit Moving to Spain for permanent residence: grounds for obtaining. Golden visa to Spain

Moving to Spain for permanent residence: grounds for obtaining. Golden visa to Spain

Moving to Spain for permanent residence attracts thousands of migrants from all over the world. And this is not surprising, as this country boasts no corruption at the household level, a developed healthcare and education system, and high social protection. Learn more about the possibilities and grounds for obtaining a residence permit for migrants in Spain

13 Sep. 2022

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5 min

Work Labor market trends in Spain: requirements and ways to obtain a work visa

Labor market trends in Spain: requirements and ways to obtain a work visa

Spain is currently experiencing a rapid increase in unemployment due to job cuts and an increase in the number of active people. Because of this, the Spanish labor market is experiencing some stagnation. Learn more about the requirements and ways to obtain a work visa in Spain

13 Sep. 2022

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