Travel to Bolivia

Traveling through Bolivia is an odyssey that unfolds like a fairy tale amidst enchanting landscapes and fascinating culture. This South American gem boasts diversity beyond expectations, inviting you to explore its hidden corners and immerse yourself in vibrant traditions.

Uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations in places like Tiwanaku, where ruins whisper stories of eras past. Stroll the cobblestone streets of cities like Sucre and Potosí, where colonial architecture is a testament to the country's rich history.

Nature lovers will find their paradise among the diverse landscapes of Bolivia. Travel through the mesmerizing expanse of the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flats, or venture into the lush embrace of the Amazon rainforest to encounter wildlife unlike any other.

Adventure seekers can hike through the rugged beauty of the Andes or explore the serenity of the shores of Lake Titicaca, a place of mysticism and awe.

The cultures and traditions of the country's indigenous peoples are woven into its daily life, marked by colorful festivals and lively markets. The warmth of the Bolivian people invites travelers to join and share their way of life.

When you travel to Bolivia, you are immersed in a world where every moment reveals a new facet of beauty and diversity. From ancient history to natural wonders, this country is a canvas of impressions that awaits the curious traveler.

Are you planning to visit Bolivia as a tourist? Here you will find the rules for entering Bolivia and other useful information you need for an unforgettable trip.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip to Bolivia:

Travel guide for obtaining a visa and other necessary documents for Bolivia;

Legal advice on entry and immigration to Bolivia;

Health insurance for foreigners to Bolivia.

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Useful  information

Main tourist destinations


Best time to visit


Transport of the country


Customs regulations


Emergency numbers


• Buses:

Local buses: In cities, local buses are a cost-effective way to get around. Prices can range from 1 to 5 BOB per short trip.

Long-distance buses: Prices vary based on the distance, but a long-distance bus ticket can range from 20 to 150 BOB or more, depending on the destination and the bus class.

• Taxis: In cities like La Paz or Sucre, taxi fares start around 5 to 10 BOB for short distances. Negotiate the fare before starting the ride.

• Trains: Local train services are available in some regions. Prices can vary, but short journeys may cost around 10 to 50 BOB. For longer distances, such as the journey from Oruro to Uyuni, train tickets may cost around 100 to 300 BOB or more.

• Domestic Flights: Prices vary significantly, with tickets ranging from 200 to 800 BOB or more, depending on the route and the airline.

• Shared taxis or colectivos: These are shared vehicles that follow specific routes. Prices are generally affordable, ranging from 5 to 20 BOB depending on the distance.

• Motorcycle Taxis: In some areas, motorcycle taxis are available for short distances. Prices can be negotiated but are generally lower than regular taxis.

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