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Insurance policy is requiredResidency
In Cuba, there is no such thing as a "residence permit". An analogue of a residence permit is issued here - resident status, which gives the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of Cuban citizens (for example, free medicine and education).
You can get residency in Cuba in the following ways:
- employment contract;
- studying at a Cuban university;
- treatment or volunteering on the island;
- family reunification;
- marriage with a local resident;
- investment in real estate.
Depending on the method of moving to Cuba, a foreigner is granted temporary or permanent residency.
- Residente de Temporal (temporary). It can be issued if the purpose of the trip is a work contract, studying at a Cuban university, medical treatment, volunteering or a long-term business trip. It is issued for a period of 3 months. Temporary status does not allow you to run a business, buy a car or house.
- Residente de Permanente (permanent). Available to those who have Cuban relatives or intend to marry a local. Another option is to contribute to the state's economy in the form of real estate investments. Issued for an indefinite period. A permanent resident has the right to run a business, buy real estate or a car.
Documents for registration of residence:
- passport,
- internal passport,
- Birth Certificate,
- a certificate of no criminal record,
- bank statements confirming financial capacity,
- a medical certificate on the absence of serious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.).
- resident status request indicating the reasons for living on the island,
- four photos
- a receipt for the payment of the consular fee.
Additional documents:
- school certificate or diploma + certificate of enrollment at a Cuban university (for those who came to study),
- invitation from the employer (for those who came to work),
- invitations from business partners (business trip),
- certificate of absence of marital ties/divorce/death of husband (for marriage).
Peculiarities of marriage
Marriage registration in Cuba takes place 3 days after the application is submitted. After 3-5 days, the bride and groom receive a marriage certificate. After a wedding with a Cuban citizen, a non-resident receives the right to permanent residence, which must be renewed every 5 years. Children born in legal marriage immediately acquire Cuban citizenship.
Residence through business
You can become a permanent resident of Cuba after opening your own business. To obtain a permit, a foreigner must submit his business plan and documents confirming his financial capacity. Each application is considered individually and carefully studied. If the request is approved, the applicant receives permanent residence and the opportunity to count on assistance from the state (for example, the provision of an office, warehouse, etc.).
Retirees who have sufficient funds can take advantage of what the government calls "snowbird" visas. These visas allow you to stay in the country for up to six months at a time and can be easily extended.
The Cuban citizenship law is governed by the island nation's 2019 Constitution and Decree 358 of 1944. It is they who determine who is or has the right to be a citizen.
You can get Cuban citizenship:
- by the right of the soil
Children born in Cuba automatically receive citizenship of the Republic regardless of the nationality of their parents. The exception is the children of foreigners who are in Cuba in the service of the government of their country or international organizations.
- from a father with Cuban citizenship
Children born outside the island receive the country's citizenship if their parents have Cuban citizenship.
Persons who were born abroad to parents who were born in Cuba, but lost their citizenship or are abroad in the service of the Cuban government, can also obtain citizenship of the Republic.
To recognize citizenship by birthright:
- a passport issued by the country of birth with a visa to enter Cuba is required;
- identity card or birth registration in the register of acts of civil status or a special register of acts and facts of Cubans abroad
- a Cuban certificate that makes an affidavit to provide housing and maintenance for the applicant.
Applications for those born abroad are submitted to the Office of Immigration and Foreigners.
- by naturalization
Many residents of the island do not obtain citizenship, as permanent residence (Residente de Permanente) gives a foreigner the same rights and responsibilities as a Cuban citizen. With the permanent status of a resident of Cuba, you can count on free medical care and education for children, the right to buy real estate and motor vehicles, as well as conduct business on the territory of the island state.
However, according to Decree 358 of 1944, naturalization is possible after permanent residence in the territory of Cuba for at least five years and knowledge of the Spanish language.
Naturalized foreigners also include persons deprived of the citizenship of their country of origin. This type of naturalization is granted at the discretion of the President of Cuba.
Dual citizenship
When obtaining Cuban citizenship, you can not renounce the citizenship of your country of origin. The previous Constitutions of the island did not allow dual citizenship. The 2019 amendments to the Constitution provided for dual citizenship in Article 36.
More information:
Advantages of citizenship
Cuban citizens can apply for Spanish citizenship under an accelerated system. For this, they only need 2 years of legal residence on Spanish territory. Moreover, Cubans will not have to give up their passports, Spain recognizes dual citizenship with all former colonies.
The second advantage is the minimal percentage of loss of Cuban citizenship, since there are no rules describing the process of revocation of citizenship. Citizenship of the Republic can be renounced only through court procedures. First, you need to contact the State Council of Cuba and get permission.
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