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Insurance policy is requiredVisa medical
A visa medical to Indonesia consists of a detailed and complete medical examination. Examination details are described in the medical forms provided by the Consulate.
You must pass the following tests:
- HIV test
- drug test
Admission on the same day, as much time as you need to communicate with the doctor, and an instant referral to the network of specialist consultants.
Reception is usually divided into two parts:
- initial reception - here you will need a fifteen-minute reception to complete laboratory tests. The doctor will then refer you to a partner clinic for a chest x-ray.
- second appointment - for the next appointment you will also need fifteen minutes to complete the questionnaire, when all the results will be sent to your doctor.
How long does it take for the results to be processed?
In general, a visa medical can be issued within an hour, and the results of the medical examination are available within 24 hours, they can be obtained by mail, in person at the clinic, or by e-mail.
If you come to Indonesia on a visa medical, be sure to bring your passport, as this is the only way to prove your identity. Also, don't forget to bring a passport-size photo.
What things should be brought for medical examination?
We have already mentioned some of the most important things you should take with you. To complete the medical examination forms, your doctor needs the following items:
- A copy of your vaccination card
- Medical records of operations or illnesses
- Four recently taken 3x4 photos
- Your passport and a copy of the biographical page of your passport
- Visa interview letter.
Any medical examination costs, including blood test and X-ray fees, must be paid directly to the examining physician. Remember that you must make an appointment no later than ten days before your scheduled visa interview. It may take your doctor at least two weeks to prepare a report on your medical examination.
Foreigners giving birth in Indonesia will need to obtain a local birth certificate before a passport can be issued for your child. You will then need to apply for a temporary stay permit (ITAS visa) for your child, accompanying the working man.
Note: If the child was born to a mixed couple, one Indonesian spouse and one foreign spouse, many of these requirements/procedures are different because you have the opportunity for the child to be an Indonesian citizen.
How to register the birth of a foreign child (foreigner with a passport) in Indonesia:
Prepare the following documents that you will need at different stages of the process:
- Surat Keterangan Lahir for a child - issued by a maternity hospital/doctor / midwife
- Passports of both parents
- Birth certificates of both parents
- Parents' marriage certificate (with Indonesian translation, if required)
- Parents' ITAS (for foreigners) / KTP (for Indonesian husband)
- Letter from the sponsor (better if from work)
- Kartu keluarga (for those who have an Indonesian wife)
1. Prepare six 2x3 cm (kit) photos and six 3x4 cm (kit) photos and two 4x5 cm (passport) photos. Ask the hospital where the baby was born to provide you with Surat Keterangan Kelahiran. With this on hand, you can use it to obtain an official birth certificate (Akte Lahir). Take Surat Keterangan Lahir, as well as a copy of the passports of the foreign parents, to the Katatan Sipil office in the city / district where the child was born. The Capatan Sipil office will issue Akte Lahir.
2. Take Akte Lahir (and the documents listed above) to register a foreign child at a local immigration office. You have 14 days after the birth of a child to register the baby's birth, but it may often take longer to obtain a formal birth certificate if you do not use it immediately after the birth of the child. The 14 days include: the child's birthday, weekends, and Tanggal Merah public holidays, even if the immigration offices are closed. Apply for a certificate of a foreigner's birth (Kelahiran Orang Asing) at the Immigration Service.
3. If any documents are missing or incomplete, the office will treat the application as a non-registration, and the child will be classified as an "overtime," which will cost a $ 25 fine for each day after the first 14 days (including weekends and public holidays).
4. According to Indonesian government regulations, you have 60 days to obtain a passport for your newborn at your foreign embassy and return it to the immigration service to obtain his / her ITAS and other necessary documents.
5. Contact your embassy to arrange registration of your child's birth in your country, using your local birth certificate and other documents in accordance with your country's regulations.
6. It will be necessary to issue a passport for a newborn, which will require several documents.
Depending on the embassy and the requirements of your country, they may include:
- proof of citizenship - ie, by naturalization, birth or otherwise, requiring the original birth certificate of a foreign parent / parents, passport or other documents,
- original or certified copy of marriage documents.
7. Once you have your child's passport, you need to return to the Indonesian Immigration Office to obtain an ITAS visa stamped in the child's passport, an ITAS card, and so on.
8. To apply for ITAS the following is needed:
- Surat Keterangan (worksheet)
- Passport of parents and the child
- KTP or ITAS from the mother
- Keluarga map (if husband is Indonesian)
- Surat Lapor (registration letter you must receive within 14 days from the Immigration Service)
- Birth certificates of the child and both parents
- Marriage certificate
- Buku Mutasi (blue book of a foreigner father)
- Surat Sponsor (sponsor list). If your wife is Indonesian, she can be a sponsor, if not, you need a letter of sponsorship from the employer. Just in case, it is better to take a sponsorship letter from the employer.
9. Once you have applied, you can obtain ITAS in about three days.
Remember that a newborn baby's ITAS expires when the father's one does. It is very important. No later than one month before the farther’s ITAS expiration, the Immigration Department must be notified about the child. A fine of $ 25 is provided for a failure to notify.
Once you have received your child's passport and he / she is registered with the Immigration Service and has received ITAS, be sure to also obtain an exit visa for the child, in case you need to quickly take him / her out of Indonesia.
The fees will vary depending on your "mediator", immigration office and embassy. The most expensive part of this process can be the birth registration in a foreign embassy and the issuance of a passport.
First of all, be sure to notify the immigration service within 14 days of birth. As soon as you receive the original birth certificate from the hospital, bring it to the immigration service. If you delay this notification, you will have to pay a fine of $ 25 per day.
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