Travel to Kiribati

Kiribati, an archipelago of stunning coral atolls spread across the equator in the Pacific Ocean, offers travelers an untouched paradise of natural beauty and unique cultural experiences. While relatively remote, a journey to Kiribati promises an unforgettable adventure to one of the world's last pristine corners.

The natural beauty of Kiribati is captivating, featuring clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life. This remote tropical haven is an ideal destination for snorkeling, diving, and water sports, allowing you to explore the underwater wonders of the Pacific.

The people of Kiribati are known for their warm hospitality and rich cultural heritage. Traditional dancing, music, and storytelling are an integral part of the local culture, and travelers are often welcomed with open arms and genuine smiles.

Kiribati's cuisine is a reflection of its abundant marine resources, with fresh seafood at the heart of many local dishes. Traditional feasts, or "te wa," provide a taste of the local culinary heritage and are an essential experience for those seeking authenticity in their travel.

Exploring the atolls of Kiribati is an adventure in itself. Travelers can discover unique ecosystems, birdwatching opportunities, and uninhabited islands that seem untouched by time.

Are you planning to visit Kiribati as a tourist? Here you will find rules for entering Kiribati and other useful information you need for an unforgettable trip.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip to Kiribati:

Travel guide for obtaining a visa and other necessary documents for Kiribati;

Legal advice on entry and immigration to Kiribati;

Health insurance for foreigners to Kiribati.

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Useful  information

Main tourist destinations


Best time to visit


Entrance rules / visa requirement


Transport of the country


Customs regulations


Emergency numbers


If you are planning to travel to Kiribati, you will need the following documents:

- Passport valid for at least 6 months.

- Visa (most citizens of the world need a tourist visa to enter Kiribati).

- A round-trip ticket or sufficient funds to purchase it.

- Sufficient financial means to cover expenses for the entire period of stay.

Visa to Kiribati: basic requirements and procedure for obtaining

Depending on your citizenship and purpose of travel, you may need a tourist visa (Visitor Visa) to enter Kiribati.

To find out in more detail whether you need a visa for Kiribati, as well as for how long you can enter the country without a visa, depending on your citizenship, use the search engine on the page by entering your citizenship.

Visitor Visa

You can visit Kiribati with a Visitor Visa. The purpose of your trip may be as follows:

• Tourism or visiting relatives and friends

• Guardian of a student or work visa holder

• Business trip

• A child who is a dependent of a Kiribati citizen, resident, or work or student visa holder.

Documents required to obtain a Visitor Visa to Kiribati:

1. Completed and signed application form.

2. Two photos.

3. Passport and a copy of the main page:

    - Passport must be valid for at least six months after the return date.

    - It must contain at least two blank pages.

4. A copy of the identity card.

5. Copy of residence permit or visa (if citizenship and country of residence are different).

6. A police clearance certificate from your country of citizenship or any country where you have lived for more than five years since the age of 17.

    - Note: A police clearance certificate is not required if you do not plan to stay in Kiribati for more than 24 months or have already submitted such a certificate with a previous visa application less than 24 months ago.

7. Medical certificate (if required).

8. Proof of financial means:

    - A completed Temporary Entry Sponsorship Form or proof of financial solvency (bank statements, credit cards, etc.).

9. If you are accompanied by dependents: documentary evidence of family relations (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.).

10. For tourism:

    - Proof that you are coming for a vacation or excursion.

    - Round-trip airline tickets.

    - Proof that you will return home at the end of your trip.

11. To visit family or friends:

    - Proof of the relationship between the applicant and a family member in Kiribati (marriage certificate, birth certificate, family member's residence permit).

    - Round-trip airline tickets.

    - Proof that you will return home at the end of your trip.

Citizens of countries that require a visa to enter Kiribati should apply to visa centers, embassies or consulates of Kiribati, depending on how and where visa applications are accepted in their country of residence.

The cost of a visitor visa to Kiribati:

• Single entry visa - 40 AUD

• Multiple entry visa - 80 AUD

Timeline for obtaining a visitor visa to Kiribati

Usually, it takes from 2 to 21 working days to process a visitor visa to Kiribati, depending on the country of application.

Medical insurance for Kiribati

You may need health insurance to travel to Kiribati. You can apply for insurance on the Visit World website here. Remember that a reliable insurance policy is the key to your confidence while traveling. Do not risk your finances and health, choose the right insurance package and let your trip leave only pleasant memories.

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