Visit Egypt

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Egyptian pound





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Egyptian pound





About Egypt

Egypt, a country with thousands of years of history and culture, stands at a fascinating crossroads between ancient wonders and modern life. Located in the northeastern corner of Africa, on the coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas, it has long played a crucial role in development due to its geographical location.

The legendary Nile River flows through the heart of the country. Famous for its impressive pyramids, temples, and complex hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian civilization left an indelible mark on human history. Today, these architectural wonders continue to attract travelers from all over the world.

The capital, Cairo, is a bustling metropolis where past and present coexist. Its historic districts are a maze of narrow streets and bustling markets. The city is also home to the spectacular Giza Plateau, where the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx stand as eternal sentinels.

Outside of the city, the landscapes are diverse and breathtaking. The Red Sea coast offers world-class diving and snorkeling with colorful coral reefs and marine life. The serene beauty of the Sinai Peninsula and the vast expanse of the Western Desert evoke a sense of wonder.

Egypt's rich culture is reflected in its art, literature, music and cuisine. The country's bazaars and markets are a treasure trove of exquisite crafts, textiles, spices, and jewelry. Traditional music and dance performances convey the essence of Egyptian heritage.

The process of immersion in Egyptian life is a journey of discovery. Familiarity with the customs, languages and daily rhythms of Egyptian society enriches the experience of living in this vibrant land. Whether exploring ancient ruins, immersing yourself in the lively street life or savoring the local cuisine, it offers a wealth of experiences.

For more information about tourism, employment, study, immigration or medical treatment in Egypt, please select your nationality in the search engine and the category you need.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip to Egypt:

Travel guide for obtaining a visa and other necessary documents for Egypt;

Legal advice on entry and immigration to Egypt;

Health insurance for foreigners to Egypt.

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