
Employment in Germany 2024: work visa, vacancies and other important details (updated)

Employment in Germany 2024: work visa, vacancies and other important details (updated)

Finding a job in Germany in 2024 is not an easy task for expats. It all depends on the availability of vacancies in the German labor market and the lack of applicants among the local population. Find out more about the procedure for obtaining a work visa and the specifics of finding a job in Germany in 2024

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

Germany is one of the most attractive countries for labor migrants due to its strong economy and high standard of living. The country is actively attracting foreign workers, including highly qualified specialists. If you have a university degree and a good command of German, you have excellent opportunities to find work in the fields of programming, IT, medicine, engineering, or science.

Even if you don't have a university degree but have a high level of German, the possibilities are not exhausted. Professionalism and experience are also highly valued in Germany. For example, if you have a secondary education and work experience, you can find a job in the service, trade, logistics, or other industries.

One of the advantages of employment in Germany is that the country offers ample opportunities for professional and personal development, as well as stable working conditions and a high level of social protection for employees. The German education and training system is also known for its quality and opportunities for continuous professional growth.

Features of the German labor market in 2024

In Germany, as in many other countries, migrant workers often face bureaucratic restrictions when obtaining a work permit. The process of hiring migrants from outside the EU is regulated by laws that put the interests of local unemployed people first, but also take into account the need for qualified specialists.

Higher education and a high level of German language proficiency make it much easier for immigrants to find a job. Those with professional skills in areas where there is a shortage of labor, such as IT, medicine, and engineering, have the best chance of success in Germany. Programmers, doctors and engineers are particularly welcome on the German labor market.

Even without a university degree, but with a recognized high school diploma, it is now possible to find a job in Germany. To increase your chances of success, it is important to have at least a B1 level of German. Knowledge of the language greatly facilitates integration into a new environment and makes it easier to find a job.

For spouses seeking employment in Germany through the family reunification program, a German language certificate of A1 level may be required to obtain a visa. In general, Germany is interested in attracting skilled migrants and offers ample opportunities for professional development.

Types of long-term work visas to Germany

Some countries do not require a visa to work in Germany depending on their status and citizenship. Citizens of member states of the European Union, the European Economic Area, and the European Free Trade Association can work in Germany without a German visa. 

In addition, applicants from Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, the United States and the United Kingdom can apply for a residence permit upon arrival in Germany without the need for visa procedures in their home country. A passport is sufficient for such persons to enter Germany.

The following documents are required for employment in Germany:

1. A letter of intent or contract offered to you by a German company containing a detailed job description;

2. Proof of the required professional qualifications;

3. Documents confirming your professional knowledge and experience: resume, references from previous employers, university diplomas, certificates, etc;

4. Health insurance for foreign workers in Germany;

Usually, two copies are required for each original document, so make sure you have photocopies of all documents.

There are three types of long-term work visas depending on your field of activity and economic needs.

General work visa to Germany

Persons planning to apply for a general work visa to Germany must meet two key conditions: to have professional and technical qualifications in a certain field and to have a specific offer from the employer in the employment contract. These conditions are important for obtaining a visa, as they confirm that the person has the necessary skills and a valid contract to work in Germany.

Special work visa for Germany

Germany has introduced special visas for qualified professionals who want to work and live in the country. This type of visa covers graduates with special skills, university professors with outstanding experience, and experienced managers with job offers with a salary of 86,400 euros per year.

The main requirement for applicants is to have sufficient funds for maintenance and confirmation of the employment contract. According to the requirements of the European Commission, a foreign applicant must prove that he or she has 45 euros per day during the stay in Germany. This can be confirmed by personal financial statements for the last three months, a bank statement, a written confirmation from a parent or sponsor to cover expenses, together with documents confirming their financial capacity.

Visa for self-employed persons to Germany

A visa for self-employed persons to Germany opens up the possibility of working as a freelancer or starting your own business in the country. To obtain this type of visa, you need to have sufficient funds to support yourself and your business. The application procedure is similar to other types of visas, with the obligatory confirmation of the benefits of your work for Germany.

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Bewerbung resume for employment in Germany 2024

In the process of finding a job in Germany, it is important to follow a certain procedure for submitting documents. When writing a short email with a resume attached, keep in mind that messages sent in German that have not been read are sent to the trash.

One of the required documents is a biography (Lebenslauf) with your photo. You should look cheerful in the photo, as even highly qualified specialists in Germany pay attention to this aspect. In your biography, you should indicate the dates of graduation from educational institutions, places of work with a description of responsibilities, marital status, and language skills. Other details can be added at your own discretion. Optimally, the biography should fit on one A4 sheet of paper.

A letter starting with Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren (Dear Ladies and Gentlemen) is attached to the CV. In this letter, you describe how you found out about the position and explain your motivation to work for the company. The letter should be concise, consist of 10-12 sentences and contain positive information about you.

A detailed description of your career includes a resume (Bewerbung). If you speak German and have sufficient experience, it is recommended that you create a resume yourself based on templates. Don't buy ready-made templates (Muster) and send them without changes. Employers distinguish between a template resume and a personally prepared one. However, using examples to structure your own document is a good idea. It is also important to include typical German phrases in your bio and description of your work experience.

Finally, you should include copies of diplomas, certificates, proof of qualifications, and a translation of your employment record. Do not forget about your school certificate - its translation is mandatory, as Germany uses a reverse grading system. Germans are very interested in your education since childhood.

References from your former bosses are also welcome. The wording of the testimonials should be clear and of high quality. It is advisable to write your own text and submit it to your supervisor for signature, if possible. Feedback from teachers or interns will also be helpful if it is positive. Don't forget to print your documents on company paper - this is a mandatory step in the application process.

Sending documents to an employer in Germany 2024

When looking for a job in Germany, it is important to follow specific procedures. Germans prefer a traditional approach and prefer to receive documents in paper form through the post. It is important to keep this in mind when sending curriculum vitae and other documents. If possible, you should send your documents in paper format, with a clear and neat layout.

Send your documents online only if the job requires it and you have a contact email address. Otherwise, it is better to put your documents in paper form and send them by mail. It is also important to pack your documents properly, as anti-virus programs may react to certain file formats.

Remember the importance of the content of the cover letter in the body of the email. Send a short text in which you introduce yourself, explain how you found out about the vacancy, and invite the employer to read your resume.

Don't be discouraged by rejections of your applications. Send many applications and keep looking. Finding a job in Germany is a process that requires patience and perseverance. Learn to give up the fear of rejection and gain experience with each new application.

Websites for job search in Germany 2024

The official website of the Federal Employment Agency of Germany publishes more than 800 thousand different vacancies from all the states of the country every month. This service is available not only in English and German, but you can also switch to Russian or Turkish using the “Sprache” switch at the top of the page.

Local job search sites are also available to immigrants to find work in Germany. The most popular ones are:

1. JobLeads: offers jobs in Germany with a salary of more than 50 thousand euros per year;

2. Experteer: a source of vacancies for professionals seeking a salary of 60 to 120 thousand euros per year;

3. Absolventa: specializes in vacancies for students, graduates and young professionals;

4. HotelJob: work in the hotel business;

5. GastroJobs: work in restaurants and cafes.

In addition, in Germany there are so-called job aggregators that do not have their own database, but collect information about vacancies from other portals and Internet recruitment sites. The most popular job aggregators in Germany are:

1. Adzuna;

2. DeIndeed;

3. SimplyHired.

There are a lot of vacancies in Germany in various fields and at different salary levels. If you decide to work in Germany, you will definitely be able to find a job according to your diploma, skills and experience if you speak German. Even if German is not required for a certain position, you will find jobs where it is not a requirement.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe move to a new country, I advise you to consult a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with a legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Germany;

Legal advice on immigration in Germany;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Germany;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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