Obtaining a residence permit in Poland: a detailed guide for foreigners 2024 (updated)

To stay in Poland, foreign nationals need to obtain a residence permit, which is the main basis for legal stay in the country. Find out more about the categories of residence permits in Poland and the peculiarities of the procedure for obtaining a permit in 2024
Third-country nationals who plan to stay in Poland for a period exceeding 90 days must apply for a residence permit. This permit is the basis for legal residence in the country. The permit is issued depending on the purpose of the expatriate's stay - study, work, etc.
EU citizens do not need to apply for a residence permit in Poland, it is enough to register their stay. According to statistics, the largest number of migrants arrive in Poland from Ukraine, Belarus, India and Turkey.
Categories of residence permits in Poland 2024
There are three categories of residence permits for third-country nationals in Poland, namely:
1. Temporary residence permit;
2. Permanent residence permit;
3. Long-term EU resident's residence permit.
Foreigners may acquire the right to reside in Poland after the expiry of the period of stay specified in the visa or the expiry of the visa on the basis of a temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit or long-term EU resident's residence permit.
Upon the expiry of the period of stay specified in the visa or the expiry of the visa, foreigners have the opportunity to obtain a residence card confirming their right to legally stay in Poland. This document is the key to smooth border crossing without the need to obtain a visa at the Consulate of the Republic of Poland.
In addition, it clearly indicates the validity of the permit, which allows foreigners to plan their next steps. Such a policy promotes integration and creates comfortable conditions for foreigners in Poland, ensuring their legal status and protection of their rights as foreigners.
Temporary residence permit in Poland 2024
A third-country national who intends to stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland for a long period of time may apply for a temporary residence permit. This will allow them to legally stay in the country for a period exceeding three months. In the case of a short-term stay in Poland, he/she must apply for a Schengen visa. Such a permit or visa allows a foreigner to legally stay in Poland in accordance with the established rules:
Employment, economic or creative activity
Foreigners who intend to work or perform creative activities in Poland have several possibilities for obtaining a work permit. First of all, they may have a work permit or obtain a written confirmation from their employer of their intention to work in the country.
In addition, if a person carries out useful economic activities that contribute to the growth of investment, development of technology and creation of new jobs, they may also obtain a work permit.
Another possibility is to be recognised for artistic achievements in Poland, which entitles you to further employment.
In addition, if a person holds a long-term EU resident's residence permit in another EU country and intends to work or conduct economic activity in Poland, he/she may apply for a work permit.
Education and research
Foreigners may stay in the country for the purpose of completing higher education or doctoral studies, or have already started their studies in another EU member state, but intend to continue or complete their education in Poland.
They can also participate in vocational training and study programmes implemented within the framework of EU programmes to develop their skills and competences.
Persons conducting scientific research also have the possibility to stay in Poland if their research is provided for by an agreement with a scientific institution and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland.
In addition, foreigners may be granted a residence permit allowing them to conduct scientific research in Poland on the basis of an agreement with a relevant scientific institution. Such opportunities contribute to the intellectual exchange and development of scientific research in the country.
Family ties
Third-country nationals may have various grounds for staying in Poland based on family ties. If a person is married to a Polish citizen, he or she may obtain the right to reside in the country. In addition, as a family member of a migrant worker, she/he may apply for residence together with him/her in accordance with the provisions of the European Social Charter.
Persons intending to reunite with their family in Poland may also be eligible for a residence permit. This may apply to both adult children who have been residing in the country for a certain period of time and minor children born in Poland.
Who can be refused a temporary residence permit in Poland?
A foreigner may be refused a temporary residence permit under the following conditions:
1. The person does not belong to any of the categories listed above;
2. The person's personal data are in the database of foreigners whose stay in Poland is undesirable;
3. The person's personal data are in the Schengen Information System for the purpose of refusing entry;
4. There are grounds to believe that the person's stay poses a threat to the defence and national security, public order or may undermine the interests of the Republic of Poland;
5. When considering the issue of granting a temporary residence permit;
6. An application or documents containing inaccurate personal data or false information have been submitted;
7. The person testified falsely or concealed the truth;
8. The person fails to fulfil their tax obligations;
9. The person has not returned the funds provided from the state budget;
10. The person has been diagnosed with a disease or infection requiring compulsory treatment in accordance with the law or there is a suspicion of such diseases or infections, and the foreigner refuses treatment;
11. Staying on the territory of Poland illegally.
Authorised body and procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Poland
Applying for a temporary residence permit in Poland is a key step for third-country nationals planning to stay in the country for a certain period of time. This procedure ensures a legal residence status until the application is decided.
When submitting the application in person to the relevant voivode, the applicant receives a stamp in his/her travel document allowing legal residence in Poland until the application is processed. A temporary residence permit is granted for a period not exceeding 3 years, depending on the purpose of stay in the country.
The required documents for submitting the application include a completed form, photographs, proof of payment and other documents confirming the data and purpose of the stay. Fingerprints are also required to be submitted for the permit.
The fee for submitting the application is PLN 340, or PLN 440 if submitted simultaneously with the application for a work permit. The fee for issuing a residence card is PLN 50.
This procedure must be completed within the prescribed time limit, which does not exceed 3 months from the date of submitting the application. Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Poland is an important step for foreigners wishing to legally stay and work in the country.
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Permanent residence permit in Poland 2024
Foreigners who meet the following requirements can obtain a permanent residence permit in Poland:
1. They are a child of a foreigner who holds a permanent residence permit or a long-term EU resident's permit, provided that the child remains in their care and was born during the period of validity of these permits;
2. Is a child of a Polish citizen and remains under his/her care;
3. Has been married to a Polish citizen for at least three years before submitting the application and has resided in Poland continuously for at least 2 years on the basis of a temporary residence permit immediately before submitting the application;
4. Immediately prior to submitting the application, he/she has resided in Poland for at least 10 years on the basis of a tolerated residence permit or for 5 years in case of refugee status or subsidiary protection;
5. Is a child of a Polish citizen and is under his/her care.
In order to obtain a permanent residence permit in Poland, an application must be submitted to the relevant voivode where the third-country national has legal residence. An application submitted abroad will not be considered. The permanent residence permit is issued indefinitely, but the citizen is issued a residence card for 10 years, which must be collected in person from the voivode.
When submitting the application, you must present the completed form, photographs, proof of payment and other documents confirming the circumstances and purpose of your stay. Fingerprints are also required.
The application fee is PLN 640 and is non-refundable in case of refusal. Additionally, you have to pay PLN 50 for the issuance of a residence card.
This procedure should take no more than 3 months, and the procedure for appealing against a refusal should take no more than 2 months.
Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Poland is an important step for foreigners who wish to ensure a stable and legal stay in the country for a long period of time.
EU long-term resident's residence permit 2024
A third-country national who has been legally and continuously residing in the EU for at least 5 years may apply for a long-term EU resident's residence permit. However, this does not apply to persons staying in Poland for education, seasonal workers and other categories provided for by law.
To obtain a permit, you must have a stable and regular source of income sufficient to cover the living expenses for yourself and your dependent family members, as well as health insurance.
The law stipulates that residence on the territory of Poland is considered continuous if the break does not exceed 10 months and was not longer than 6 months. If the break lasts longer than 10 months, the total period of residence may be terminated. An exception is the situation when a foreigner has a temporary residence permit to perform work requiring high qualifications.
The law also provides for a number of exceptions to the calculation of the maximum periods of interruptions in residence in Poland, which may affect the possibility of obtaining a long-term EU resident's residence permit.
An application for a residence permit must be submitted to the relevant voivode at the third-country national's place of residence only during the period of legal residence in Poland. An application submitted abroad is not considered by the relevant authorities.
A long-term EU resident's residence permit is issued for an indefinite period. After obtaining the permit, the third-country national is issued a residence card valid for 5 years, which must be collected in person from the voivode.
These procedures should take no more than 3 months from the date of submission of the application. If the decision on the residence permit is appealed, the procedure should not exceed 2 months.
In order to submit the application, you must have a completed residence permit application form, photographs, proof of payment of the application fee. In addition, documents confirming the data specified in the application and the circumstances justifying the purpose specified in the application, in particular, a document certifying the right to use the residential premises, must be submitted.
When submitting the application, the foreigner will also have to be fingerprinted, which will become a mandatory part of the procedure.
Igor Usyk - Head of Legal Department at Visit World
For safe relocation to Poland, obtaining refugee status and employment, use the advice of an international lawyer. We help to solve complex and simple issues for your comfort and safety in Poland.
Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:
Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Poland;
Legal advice on immigration to Poland;
Travel insurance for foreigners in Poland;
Medical insurance all over the world.
More articles on the topic:
Where and how to find a job for Ukrainians in Poland: a detailed guide.
Changes in social benefits for Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
Temporary protection for Ukrainians in Poland 2023: current rules for refugees.
Obtaining a visa for Ukrainian citizens: required documents and procedure specifics.
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